109 -Lab Setup for Network Automation

SimpleMethod·InstallPackageControl·OpentheSublimeTextcommandpalettebypressingctrl⌘+shift+p,typeInstallandhitEnter·TypeSFTPandhitEnter ...,GetSFTPPackage·OpenupSublimeandhitcommand+shift+p·Inthewindowthatappears,type'PackageControl:InstallPackage'...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Install | SFTP for Sublime Text | Products

Simple Method · Install Package Control · Open the Sublime Text command palette by pressing ctrl⌘+shift+p , type Install and hit Enter · Type SFTP and hit Enter ...

How to set up Sublime with sftp to auto-sync files on your ...

Get SFTP Package · Open up Sublime and hit command + shift + p · In the window that appears, type 'Package Control: Install Package' and hit enter. The window ...

Sublime SFTP 設定

打開Sublime 並且安裝SFTP. Sublime Text --> Preferences --> Package Control. 選擇 Install Package. 輸入並安裝SFTP. 2. 創建sftp-config.json在你 ...

Remote FTPSFTP with Sublime

Type in/go to Package Control: Install Package and press enter. Then, type in SFTP. Selecting SFTP will start to install the package. You ...


Spend less time managing file transfers and more time coding. FTP, FTPS and SFTP support for Sublime Text 2 & 3 that is blazing fast.

How to install SFTP plugin in Sublime Text 3 on Windows 7 64bit

Perform the following: Open Preferences > Browse Packages... Navigate into the SFTP/ folder and open SFTP.py in Sublime.

SFTP - 高雄醫學大學Joomla! 討論網站

讓Sublime Text 可以立即將程式碼上傳至網頁空間的擴充套件。 擴充套件網址:http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/sftp; 安裝套件 ...

Sublime Text3 好用的SFTP套件

STEP 1. 首先我們要打開Package Control (選單Preferences->Package Control) · STEP 2. 選取install package · STEP 3. 搜尋SFTP.

How to Setup Sublime Text sFTP for Remote Development

In this article, you will learn how to setup sFTP for Sublime Text to push (Local to remote) or pull (Remote to Local) the codes/files using ...

Install Package Control & SFTP Plugin in Sublime Text 2

This is a quick and easy video showing you how to install package control and use it to install the SFTP plugin for Sublime Text 2.


SimpleMethod·InstallPackageControl·OpentheSublimeTextcommandpalettebypressingctrl⌘+shift+p,typeInstallandhitEnter·TypeSFTPandhitEnter ...,GetSFTPPackage·OpenupSublimeandhitcommand+shift+p·Inthewindowthatappears,type'PackageControl:InstallPackage'andhitenter.Thewindow ...,打開Sublime並且安裝SFTP.SublimeText-->Preferences-->PackageControl.選擇InstallPackage.輸入並安裝SFTP.2.創建sftp-config...

FTPbox 2.6.3 利用FTP/SFTP打造自己的Dropbox

FTPbox 2.6.3 利用FTP/SFTP打造自己的Dropbox
