
How to change sidebar colour? - Technical Support

First, open Sublime Text. Then in Preferences > Browse Packages > User, create a new file and call it Default.sublime-theme (be sure that the ...

Sidebar icons in themes - General Discussion

I've taken a bit of time to figure out how sidebar icons are working in Sublime for the Soda theme, so I'm copying the content here to be of general use.

How to change folder icon color in sublime text 4 sidebar

There are 3 icon types available for folders: collapsed, expanded and symlink. Take a look at file_system_entry in https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/themes.html

Make the sidebar folder tree customizeable

I am working on a project with deep nested folder structures and long file names. It would be nice if we could customize how much space is taken ...

Sidebar font-size - General Discussion

hi guys, my first question: is it possible to get a bigger font for the sidebar, or where can I change it in the theme.

Sublime Text Monokai Sidebar Theme.

This re-styles your sublime text sidebar to be dark, it fits default Monokai theme. Monokai sidebar. Save the Default.sublime-theme file into packages/Theme ...


The collection of file type icons for Sublime Text editor. Please note that icons included in this repository are best suited with a dark background but you can ...

Collapsing all open folders in sidebar not working when using ...

When I use a theme this shortcut doesn't work. Can anyone tell me how to collapse all open folders in sidebar when using a theme in Sublime Text ...

Why do Sublime Text 3 Themes not affect the sidebar?

Click on Preferences, click on Theme select Adaptive.sublime-theme. This will change the sidebar to a dark colored background.

Show Folder on the side of Sublimetext (Example)

1, Check menu View --> Side Bar --> Show Side Bar (for OS X) Or drag and drop the selected folder on the Sublime Text window.


First,openSublimeText.TheninPreferences>BrowsePackages>User,createanewfileandcallitDefault.sublime-theme(besurethatthe ...,I'vetakenabitoftimetofigureouthowsidebariconsareworkinginSublimefortheSodatheme,soI'mcopyingthecontentheretobeofgeneraluse.,Thereare3icontypesavailableforfolders:collapsed,expandedandsymlink.Takealookatfile_system_entryinhttps://www.sublimetext.com/docs/themes.html,I...