
File Navigation and File Management

To open Goto Anything, press Ctrl+P. As you type into the input area, names of open files and files in open directories will be searched, and a preview of the ...

How to synchronize editor and folder view

Hey, there is a option View -> Side Bar -> Show/Hide Open Files, opened files appear in open files group above folders. Hope that will work for You.

Sidebar not showing folder structure

SideBar is not showing folder tree and nested items like it did before I formatted. I've set it up exactly the way I had it prior.

Automatically Open Sidebar When Opening Folder

If you select View > Show Side Bar and leave it alone, it will show when a folder is dragged in, and hide when there are no folders. Nothing has ...

Side bar has no file tree - Technical Support

Sublime Text requires you to specify which folder to open/show in the side-bar. If you use the menu Project > Add Folder to Project or File > Open Folder it ...

Show hidden folders and files - Technical Support

How is it possible to open hidden files and folders using sublime text?? I must use vim to edit hidden files and files within hidden folders ...

Sublime Text 2 - Show file navigation in sidebar

Go to File -> Open Folder... and select the highest directory you want to be able to navigate. Also, 'View -> Sidebar -> Show Sidebar' if it still doesn't show.

Sublime Text Go To Folder Shortcut

The shortcut for moving to the sidebar nav is Ctrl + 0. Ctrl + 1 will bring you back to the file you're editing.

Show Folder on the side of Sublimetext (Example)

first download the zip file from the tutorial and save it wherever you can find it. Then on sublime text go to view>sidebar>show sidebar.

Sublime not showing folder structure

How to enable folder structure in sidebar if SublimeText? All you need to do is to actually drag & drop the whole folder into the editor, ...


ToopenGotoAnything,pressCtrl+P.Asyoutypeintotheinputarea,namesofopenfilesandfilesinopendirectorieswillbesearched,andapreviewofthe ...,Hey,thereisaoptionView->SideBar->Show/HideOpenFiles,openedfilesappearinopenfilesgroupabovefolders.HopethatwillworkforYou.,SideBarisnotshowingfoldertreeandnesteditemslikeitdidbeforeIformatted.I'vesetitupexactlythewayIhaditprior.,IfyouselectView>ShowSideB...