Subtitle WorkShop 製作 SRT 字幕檔教學



Download - Subtitle Workshop

Subtitle Workshop, a free subtitle editor. Official website - download Subtitle Workshop and get Subtitle Workshop news and information.

Download Subtitle Workshop 6.2.6 for Windows

Download the latest version of Subtitle Workshop for Windows. Add subtitles to your movies. Subtitle Workshop is an application to add, edit and convert...

Subtitle Workshop

Free application for creating subtitle-based files and extensions. Subtitle Workshop is an excellent multimedia application in the event that a user wishes ...

Subtitle Workshop 6.0b 6.2.9 Free Download

Integrated video player with customizable subtitles preview and full screen mode that would play any video or audio format the system has codecs installed for.

Subtitle Workshop v6.2.8 繁體中文版

2024年2月2日 — Subtitle Workshop is a free application for creating, editing, and converting text-based subtitle files. Main features include: Supports ...

Subtitle Workshop

Subtitle Workshop, a free subtitle editor. Official website - download Subtitle Workshop and get Subtitle Workshop news and information.


URUWorks:: Official home of Subtitle Workshop. ... Tero Subtitler is an open source, cross-platform, and free subtitle editing software.


功能強大的影片字幕編輯軟體– Subtitle Edit 繁體中文版 · 快速和輕易製作及燒錄各種CD/DVD/BD 映像檔的工具– ISO Workshop · PDF 文件閱讀工具,速度比Adobe Reader 快 ...

电影字幕编辑工具Subtitle Workshop下载v6.0B绿色中文版

电影字幕编辑工具Subtitle Workshop,电影字幕编辑工具SubtitleWorkshop,是一款最完备、最有效、最专业字幕编辑软件;您可以免费下载。


SubtitleWorkshop,afreesubtitleeditor.Officialwebsite-downloadSubtitleWorkshopandgetSubtitleWorkshopnewsandinformation.,DownloadthelatestversionofSubtitleWorkshopforWindows.Addsubtitlestoyourmovies.SubtitleWorkshopisanapplicationtoadd,editandconvert...,Freeapplicationforcreatingsubtitle-basedfilesandextensions.SubtitleWorkshopisanexcellentmultimediaapplicationintheeventthatauserwishes ...,Integ...

Aegisub 2.1.8 - 字幕編輯轉檔工具

Aegisub 2.1.8 - 字幕編輯轉檔工具


SrtEdit 5.2 - 字幕編輯軟體

SrtEdit 5.2 - 字幕編輯軟體
