Instructor Playlist

IamusingRemindersinENDesktopwhichthenpoststheReminderstomySunrisecalendar.TheENDesktopletsmepickadateandstarttime, ...,Amonth-by-monthcalendarviewtoseeallthenotesIcreated.Isthisafeaturetheevernoteteamisthinkingaboutaddinginthefuture?,Sunriseisadi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Reminders - Sunrise Calender Integration

I am using Reminders in EN Desktop which then posts the Reminders to my Sunrise calendar. The EN Desktop lets me pick a date and start time, ...

Calendar View

A month-by-month calendar view to see all the notes I created. Is this a feature the evernote team is thinking about adding in the future?

Sunrise Calendar

Sunrise is a discontinued electronic calendar application for mobile and desktop. The service was launched in 2013 by designers Pierre Valade and Jeremy Le Van.

How to Sync Evernote with Sunrise Calendar

This simple guide will teach you how to sync Evernote with Sunrise Calendar. 1. If you have no Evernote or Sunrise Calendar yet, you can either ...

Going Paperless Quick Tip

Sunrise is easy to setup with other services. You simply add an account in the Add Account section, select the services that you want to add, ...

支援多平台,可整合Google、Evernote、Facebook 多種行事曆 ...

《Sunrise Calendar》可整合包括Google、iCloud、Exchange、Evernote、Asana (線上協作平台)、LinkedIn 等多個帳戶,並且將這些帳戶的記事全部整合,方便使用者檢視管理。

支援多帳號整合! 免費好用行事曆《Sunrise Calendar》

《Sunrise Calendar》可整合包括Google、iCloud、Exchange、Evernote、Asana (線上協作平台)、LinkedIn 等多個帳戶,並且將這些帳戶的記事全部整合,方便使用者檢視管理。

Evernote 完美整合Google 行事曆!就用Sunrise 日曆

透過Sunrise Calendar 非常完美、順暢、免費的實現,無論你使用Google 日曆或iCloud 日曆,都能同步整合Evernote 筆記提醒.

Sunrise 下架,用Outlook 繼續同步Evernote 行事曆

Sunrise 下架的原因是被微軟收購後,微軟打算將Sunrise 功能整合到新的Outlook App 中,所以我們之後可以用Outlook App 來同步Evernote 的提醒筆記。 我先 ...

Evernote 完美整合Google 行事曆!就用Sunrise 日曆

4、你甚至可以從「 Sunrise Calendar 」直接新增一則Evernote 筆記!只要在行程上輸入標題、提醒時間,然後選擇新增到「 Note Reminders 」這個日曆,就能把 ...


IamusingRemindersinENDesktopwhichthenpoststheReminderstomySunrisecalendar.TheENDesktopletsmepickadateandstarttime, ...,Amonth-by-monthcalendarviewtoseeallthenotesIcreated.Isthisafeaturetheevernoteteamisthinkingaboutaddinginthefuture?,Sunriseisadiscontinuedelectroniccalendarapplicationformobileanddesktop.Theservicewaslaunchedin2013bydesignersPierreValadeandJeremyLeVan.,Thissimpleguidewillteachy...