

2023年9月8日 — For years, the TAS of the level was just a few frames ahead of methods that were considered human-viable in a real-time attack (RTA) speedrun.

[WR] Super Mario Bros. any% in 4

2022年8月8日 — The RTA Rules TAS has been at 4:54.26 since Maru improved it by one frame in 2019. You may be thinking of the Lightning 4-2 framerule, which ...

[WR] Super Mario Bros. 8

2021年4月23日 — The other frame in turnaround room was only added to the RTA TAS in 2019, and is 100% possible to save. LeKukie is actually the only human ...

Super Mario Bros.

View Super Mario Bros. speedruns, leaderboards, forums and more on Speedrun.com.

New Super Mario Bros.

View New Super Mario Bros. speedruns, leaderboards, forums and more on Speedrun.com.


2023年9月8日—Foryears,theTASofthelevelwasjustafewframesaheadofmethodsthatwereconsideredhuman-viableinareal-timeattack(RTA)speedrun.,2022年8月8日—TheRTARulesTAShasbeenat4:54.26sinceMaruimproveditbyoneframein2019.YoumaybethinkingoftheLightning4-2framerule,which ...,2021年4月23日—TheotherframeinturnaroundroomwasonlyaddedtotheRTATASin2019,andis100%possibletosave.LeKukieisactuallytheonlyhuman ...,V...