Super Mario Bros. X (SMBX) Custom Level



The Super Mario Bros. X Cheat Code Guide

These cheats are good when you're testing your new levels and episodes. shadowstar - Turns you into Black Mario. You can go through walls in this state.

The Grand Super Mario Bros. X Guide

This is the biggest Super Mario Bros. X Guide there is - it goes over secret level editor tabs, in-game cheat codes, NPC codes, and just about everything else ...

Super Mario Bros X+11

--Level Layer - A level is most of the time made out of more than one layer that means if you for example go in a pipe and you come out in ...

Cheats of Super Mario Bros. X - Game Engine Wikia

Level Cheats · shadowstar: Turns the player black, and allows you to pass through tiles you would normally collide with. · wherearemycarkeys: Spawns a key in your ... List of cheats · Level Cheats · Items · Yoshi

Super Mario Bros. XCheats - Codex Gamicus

This is a list of cheat codes to type in while playing a level. You cannot save your game after using cheat codes.

SMBX Cheat Code Index - General

Here is a list of all the cheats of SMBX. While in the game, type one of these codes to apply it. The SMBX window must be activated, ...

SMBX 38A exclusive cheat codes - WohlSoft

So although pretty much every cheat code from 1.3 is intact in the 38A version, aside from some minor changes to some due to removal of ...

SMBX Cheat Codes list - New Super Mario Bros. X

These cheats are useful for more extensive level testing. shadowstar - Turns the player character into a darker version and lets the player walk ...

Cheats codes list in SMBX - New Knuckles96 SMBX

This is the list of cheats Super Mario Bros. X, these codes serve to be able to cheat in the game. Level Cheats


Because you all asked for it! Twitter: Collab Channel: April Fools, ...


Thesecheatsaregoodwhenyou'retestingyournewlevelsandepisodes.shadowstar-TurnsyouintoBlackMario.Youcangothroughwallsinthisstate.,ThisisthebiggestSuperMarioBros.XGuidethereis-itgoesoversecretleveleditortabs,in-gamecheatcodes,NPCcodes,andjustabouteverythingelse ...,--LevelLayer-Alevelismostofthetimemadeoutofmorethanonelayerthatmeansifyouforexamplegoinapipeandyoucomeoutin ...,LevelCheats·shadowstar...