
Super Mario Bros. Z Episode 9 and the Tortuous Death of Fan ...

2020年7月15日 — Episode 9 didn't come out, in the end, being canceled in 2013 with Alvin Earthworm citing time commitments and having written himself into a ...


Super Mario Bros Z Episode 9 Theories · Theory 1: The Mecha Sonic Theory · Theory 2: Stuffwell Theory · Theory 3. Luigi, Sonic, and Yoshi back in action!.

The Two Shell Treaty (2006 Series)

2012年3月30日 — The Two Shell Treaty is the ninth and final episode of Super Mario Bros. Z. The episode resumes the events ...


2020年7月15日—Episode9didn'tcomeout,intheend,beingcanceledin2013withAlvinEarthwormcitingtimecommitmentsandhavingwrittenhimselfintoa ...,SuperMarioBrosZEpisode9Theories·Theory1:TheMechaSonicTheory·Theory2:StuffwellTheory·Theory3.Luigi,Sonic,andYoshibackinaction!.,,2012年3月30日—TheTwoShellTreatyistheninthandfinalepisodeofSuperMarioBros.Z.Theepisoderesumestheevents ...