
How do I unlock Akuma in Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo?

2019年11月3日 — At the character select screen, start the cursor on Ryu (if Player 1) or Ken (if Player 2) and wait 2 seconds. For each next character to ...

Super Street Fighter II Turbo

Akuma can be selected by the player by inputting a certain code at the player select screen. To select him, the player must highlight Ryu for three seconds, ...

Super Street Fighter 2 TurboAkuma

2022年10月18日 — Akuma, or Gouki, in Japan, is a secret boss which has been introduced in Super Street Fighter II Turbo/X. In order to face him, you have to ...

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo

2023年5月16日 — For those skilled enough to complete the arcade mode on 1 credit, a new secret final boss awaits. Akuma/Gouki is notable for his extreme power, ...

How to make Akuma make an Appearance?

2023年4月20日 — I'm playing the 30th anniversary edition. How do I get Akuma to show up?? Super Street fighter 2 turbo! Any help? Please!


2019年11月3日—Atthecharacterselectscreen,startthecursoronRyu(ifPlayer1)orKen(ifPlayer2)andwait2seconds.Foreachnextcharacterto ...,Akumacanbeselectedbytheplayerbyinputtingacertaincodeattheplayerselectscreen.Toselecthim,theplayermusthighlightRyuforthreeseconds, ...,2022年10月18日—Akuma,orGouki,inJapan,isasecretbosswhichhasbeenintroducedinSuperStreetFighterIITurbo/X.Inordertofacehim,youhaveto ......
