
Meet the 10 Companies Selected for Supercharger's 2nd Fintech ...

The second edition of the 12-week SuperCharger FinTech Accelerator Programme has begun. Meet the 10 startups selected.

SuperCharger Fintech Accelerator

Strategically located in Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur, SuperCharger is the first FinTech accelerator dedicated to both early-stage and growth-stage startup ...

SuperCharger FinTech Accelerator Careers

The SuperCharger is the first FinTech accelerator program dedicated to both startups and more established global companies aiming to capture the Asian ...


SuperCharger is the FinTech Accelerator in Asia, dedicated to both early-stage startups and scale-up FinTech companies aiming for growth.

Profile for SuperCharger Fintech Accelerator

評分 5.0 (4) Empowering women to Rise Up in Financial Services across the globe | SuperCharger | Asia's Leading FinTech Accelerator

SuperCharger Fintech Accelerator

Strategically located in Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur, SuperCharger is the first FinTech accelerator dedicated to both early-stage and growth-stage startup ...

[PDF] 渣打銀行贊助SuperCharger 互聯網金融科技(FinTech)加速器

互聯網金融科技(Fintech) 加速器標誌著香港首次有. 新領域的創始成員透過一項發展 ... SuperCharger 將在倫敦. 活動, 在全球各地搜羅最出色的企業. 該計劃將於2016 ...

About Us

SuperCharger Ventures was born out of SuperCharger FinTech, the leading FinTech Accelerator based out of Hong Kong and Malaysia between 2016-2019. Its ...

About SuperCharger

SuperCharger is a FinTech accelerator based in Hong Kong with a unique model of accepting applications from both early stage start-ups and established ...

FinTech SuperCharger (@SuperChargerFT) X

Asia's leading #FinTech accelerator. Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur fintechsupercharger.com Joined September 2015. 420 Following · 1,679 Followers · Posts · Replies.


Thesecondeditionofthe12-weekSuperChargerFinTechAcceleratorProgrammehasbegun.Meetthe10startupsselected.,StrategicallylocatedinHongKongandKualaLumpur,SuperChargeristhefirstFinTechacceleratordedicatedtobothearly-stageandgrowth-stagestartup ...,TheSuperChargeristhefirstFinTechacceleratorprogramdedicatedtobothstartupsandmoreestablishedglobalcompaniesaimingtocapturetheAsian ...,SuperChargeristheFinT...