Chrome Software Reporter Tool high CPU Fix

Yeahcpuusageishigh,fanisspinningloudonmylaptop.Butthankfullyendingtheprocessinwin10taskmanageriseasyenough.E.Elforum.,Checkinyourappwiz.cplifthesoftware_reporter_toolorChromeCleanupToolislistedthereanduninstallit.Thatshouldmaketheproblem ...,Chro...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Can we PLEASE REMOVE the fucking Software Reporter Tool ...

Yeah cpu usage is high, fan is spinning loud on my laptop. But thankfully ending the process in win 10 task manager is easy enough. E. Elforum.

Chrome 100% CPU usage, again

Check in your appwiz.cpl if the software_reporter_tool or Chrome Cleanup Tool is listed there and uninstall it. That should make the problem ...

Chrome Software Reporter Tool high CPU Fix

Chrome Software Reporter Tool high CPU Fix %localappdata%-Google-Chrome-User Data-SwReporter.

Disable SWReporter

Best way that worked for me was here;

Fix Software Reporter Tool High CPU Usage

Software Reporter Tool high CPU usage may be caused by an outdated Chrome installation or corrupted caches, so you can try these simple steps first.

How to Disable Software Reporter Tool in Chrome Causing High ...

If you're noticing high CPU usage in Chrome, it could be caused by the browser's Software Reporter Tool. Here's how you can disable it.

What Is the Software Reporter Tool and How To Disable It

While the Software Reporter Tool is not malware, it may use high CPU resources. We've covered the steps needed to disable or remove this tool in Google Chrome ...

[Tip] Disable Software Reporter Tool.exe Causing High CPU Usage

Sometimes Software Reporting Tool may start consuming lots of memory and may cause high CPU usage and high disk usage issues. Many users notice ...

【電腦CPU效能提升】software reporter tool是甚麼? 該怎麼移除 ...

最近電腦很常有過熱、噪音、速度變慢的問題打開工作管理員發現有個software reporter tool 長期霸佔CPU及磁碟在想software reporter tool是甚麼、要 ...

谷歌浏览器Software Reporter Tool长时间占用CPU解决办法

Software Reporter Tool是一个Chrome清理工具,用于清理谷歌浏览器中不必要或恶意的扩展,应用程序,劫持开始页面等等。当你安装Chrome时, ...


Yeahcpuusageishigh,fanisspinningloudonmylaptop.Butthankfullyendingtheprocessinwin10taskmanageriseasyenough.E.Elforum.,Checkinyourappwiz.cplifthesoftware_reporter_toolorChromeCleanupToolislistedthereanduninstallit.Thatshouldmaketheproblem ...,ChromeSoftwareReporterToolhighCPUFix%localappdata%-Google-Chrome-UserData-SwReporter.,Bestwaythatworkedformewashere;