
Creating a Sidebar Menu Using SWRevealViewController in Swift

To use SWRevealViewController for building a sidebar menu, you create a container view controller, which is actually an empty view controller, ...

John-LluchSWRevealViewController: A UIViewController ...

A UIViewController subclass for revealing a rear (left and/or right) view controller behind a front controller, inspired by the Facebook app, done right!

How To Add a Slide-out Sidebar Menu in Your Apps

Name the group “SWRevealViewController”. Import both files into the Xcode project and put them under “SWRevealViewController”. Import ...


AppCoda is one of the leading iOS programming communities. Our aim is to teach everyone how to build apps with high quality and easy-to-read tutorials. Learn by ...

SWRevealViewController Set Front VC Objective-C

I'm not familiar with SWRevealViewController but what I can say is that you are creating a new instance every time you select a menu in the ...

SWRevealViewController on CocoaPods.org

A UIViewController subclass for revealing a rear (left and/or right) view controller behind a front controller, inspired by the Facebook app, done right!


A simple demo on how to add a Slide-out Sidebar Menu in iOS Apps using SWRevealViewController (https://github.com/John-Lluch/SWRevealViewController).

SWRevealViewController from modal segue

I'm using SWRevealViewController after following AppCoda's tutorial. I was able to get it working in the tutorial with no issues, but not ...


2.使用SWRevealViewController (storyboard方式). 2.1 拖拽一个新的View Controller到面板上,并设置class 为 SWRevealViewController. 2.2 创建菜单View ...

AppCoda - 對經驗豐富的UIKit 程式設計師來說

對經驗豐富的UIKit 程式設計師來說,使用SwiftUI 時最困難的就是佈局。這個情況在iOS 15 就不一樣了! 在這篇文章中,Mark 會帶大家在iOS 15 中使用Swift ...


TouseSWRevealViewControllerforbuildingasidebarmenu,youcreateacontainerviewcontroller,whichisactuallyanemptyviewcontroller, ...,AUIViewControllersubclassforrevealingarear(leftand/orright)viewcontrollerbehindafrontcontroller,inspiredbytheFacebookapp,doneright!,Namethegroup“SWRevealViewController”.ImportbothfilesintotheXcodeprojectandputthemunder“SWRevealViewController”.Import ...,AppCodaisoneoft...