How To Set Up Google Drive On Mac ...The EASY Way!




Choose folders on your computer to sync with Google Drive or backup to Google Photos, and access all of your content directly from your PC or Mac.

Google Backup & Sync on Mac

Click the Google Backup & Sync icon in the menu bar and Open Google Drive folder. · Drag any files & folders to the Google Drive folder and they are uploaded.

How to Add Google Drive to the Desktop on a Mac Computer

2019年12月16日 — How to add Google Drive to the desktop on your Mac computer, and automatically sync folders in both places · 1. Open the Backup and Sync cloud ...

How to SYNC Google Drive files on a ​Mac​ used daily.

How to use advanced Google Drive sync settings (Page 912). 1. Syncing Google Drive to a Mac: First check to see if Google Drive is installed on your computer.

How to use Google Drive on Mac like a pro

2022年7月19日 — In Google Drive Preferences, you can add folders to back up, change whether you want your file sync to be stream or mirror (we've explained the ...

Use Drive for desktop on macOS

With Drive for desktop on macOS, you can: Access Drive from Finder Sync between local and Cloud files Important: When you sync files using Drive.

Use Google Drive for desktop

Use Drive for desktop to find your Drive files and folders on your computer with Windows File Explorer or macOS Finder. ... Sync folders from your computer to ...

[Full Guide] How to Sync Google Drive with Mac Quickly in ...

Sign in to the Drive for desktop with your Google account. Then click the Google Drive icon in the Menu bar above and click the gear icon in the pop-up window ...


ChoosefoldersonyourcomputertosyncwithGoogleDriveorbackuptoGooglePhotos,andaccessallofyourcontentdirectlyfromyourPCorMac.,ClicktheGoogleBackup&SynciconinthemenubarandOpenGoogleDrivefolder.·Draganyfiles&folderstotheGoogleDrivefolderandtheyareuploaded.,2019年12月16日—HowtoaddGoogleDrivetothedesktoponyourMaccomputer,andautomaticallysyncfoldersinbothplaces·1.OpentheBackupandSynccloud ...,,H...