
Easy,fastandautomaticdatabackup!CopyanyfilefromyourAndroiddevicetoyourcomputeroverWiFi.WithSyncMyDroid:*Backupyourphotos,videos, ...,SynciosiOS&AndroidManagerisafreesoftwarewhichcanbackupmusic,videos,photos,apps,ebooks,contacts,messagesandmorefro...。參考影片的文章的如下:


File Backup to PC

Easy, fast and automatic data backup ! Copy any file from your Android device to your computer over WiFi. With SyncMyDroid : * Backup your photos, videos, ...

Free iOS & Android Manager

Syncios iOS & Android Manager is a free software which can backup music, videos, photos, apps, ebooks, contacts, messages and more from iOS and Android ...

How to Backup and Restore Android Phone with SyncDroid?

Learn how to use SyncDroid to backup and restore android phone. With the free android transfer, you can sync, restore and backup your SMS, Contacts, ...


2017年3月30日 — SyncDroid is a freeware Android backup app and mobile phone tool developed by ANVSOFT for Windows, it's well-designed, efficient and easy-to-use ...

SyncDroid for Android

SyncDroid is a free service that enables you to backup the entire content of your Android either by storing it on the phone itself, connecting it to a PC, ...

SyncDroid Free Android Sync Manager

The best free Android sync tool, supporting one-click sync Android mobile data: Music, videos, photos, contacts, messages, call logs, calendar and more to PC.


2015年7月8日 — SyncDroid Android Manager has both Android app, as well as Windows PC client ... · Download from Google Play Store. SyncDroid ...

在Android 裝置上使用快速分享功能

只要使用快速分享功能,就可以立即與附近的裝置互傳檔案。 重要事項: 你使用的是舊版Android。本文中的某些步驟僅適用於Android 13 以上版本。瞭解如何查看Android ...


Easy,fastandautomaticdatabackup!CopyanyfilefromyourAndroiddevicetoyourcomputeroverWiFi.WithSyncMyDroid:*Backupyourphotos,videos, ...,SynciosiOS&AndroidManagerisafreesoftwarewhichcanbackupmusic,videos,photos,apps,ebooks,contacts,messagesandmorefromiOSandAndroid ...,SynologyInc.4.8star.,LearnhowtouseSyncDroidtobackupandrestoreandroidphone.Withthefreeandroidtransfer,youcansync,restoreandbacku...