iPhone 11 to Huawei P40

iOS11bringsbunchofnewfeatures,suchasredesignedcontrolpanel,newfilemanagerapp,textwithSiri,build-inscreenrecorder,newWiFisettingsand ...,SynciosisfreesmartphonetoPCtransfersoftwarewhichallowsyoutotransferfilesincludingsongs,images,apps,contacts,no...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Everything you should know with iOS 11

iOS 11 brings bunch of new features, such as redesigned control panel, new file manager app, text with Siri, build-in screen recorder, new WiFi settings and ...

Syncios: Mobile Transfer - Android & iOS Transfer

Syncios is free smartphone to PC transfer software which allows you to transfer files including songs, images, apps, contacts, notes, SMS between and ...

What you need to know about iOS 11 new heic image format

The photos you took with iOS 11 devices now are in a new file format, called High Efficiency Image Format(HEIC), not previous jpg format.

How to Recover Deleted Photos on iPhoneiPad with iOS 11

To recover the deleted photos, connect your iOS device to the program with USB cable, select Recover from iOS device mode on the main interface, click on Start ...


Syncios 目前只支持iOS 5-11 設備。請確認以下支持的設備的版本與型號:. iOS 設備- iOS 5 - iOS 14. iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 ...

Syncios Manager for Win 6.2.0 Released Compatible with iOS 11 ...

Syncios Manager, a great iTunes alternative designed for both Android & iOS devices, offers you great solutions to transfer data like contacts, text messages, ...

How to backup iPhoneiPad after iOS 11 update

Step 1: Download and launch Syncios Data Transfer. · Step 2: Connect your iPhone/iPad to PC or Mac. · Step 3: Select desired data and start to backup.

Recover deleted iPhoneiPad data on iOS 11

Recover lost data on iPhone/iPad after iOS 11 upgrade · Step 1: Download and launch Syncios Data Recovery. · Step 2: Connect your iPhone/iPad to the program.

How to backup iPhoneiPad before upgrading to iOS 11

Go to Settings > Apple ID > iCloud, scroll down until you find iCloud Backup option, turn it on, and it would backup your iPhone/iPad automatically when your ...

How to Downgrade your iPhoneiPad from iOS 12 to iOS 11

Follow the steps below: Step 1. Backup your iPhone or iPad. Step 2. Match up your device model, then download the iOS 11.4.1 IPSW file for your idevice to your ...


iOS11bringsbunchofnewfeatures,suchasredesignedcontrolpanel,newfilemanagerapp,textwithSiri,build-inscreenrecorder,newWiFisettingsand ...,SynciosisfreesmartphonetoPCtransfersoftwarewhichallowsyoutotransferfilesincludingsongs,images,apps,contacts,notes,SMSbetweenand ...,ThephotosyoutookwithiOS11devicesnowareinanewfileformat,calledHighEfficiencyImageFormat(HEIC),notpreviousjpgformat.,Torecoverthed...