Git Server on Synology

TheSynoCommunitypackagerepositoryisanOpenSourceprojectthatprovidessoftwarepackageswhicharen'tprovidedorsupportedbySynology, ...,LatestDiscussions;'SnapshotReplication'with'DriveShareSync'·Backup·DisasterRecovery.Bypilotbum;ConnectedtotheNASfrommy...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Add Community Package Repo to a Synology NAS

The Syno Community package repository is an OpenSource project that provides software packages which aren't provided or supported by Synology, ...

Synology Community

Latest Discussions ; 'Snapshot Replication' with 'Drive ShareSync' · Backup · Disaster Recovery. By pilotbum ; Connected to the NAS from my MAC · File Services. Synology Blog · NAS & SAN · Router · Surveillance

Repository for synosnap

I found a really old repository for SynoSnap, but that looks abandoned. From my initial debugging, it looks like some of the configuration tests ...

SynoCommunityspkrepo: Synology Package Repository

Requirements · Install docker and docker-compose · Install python and poetry · Optionally install direnv and a working poetry layout as described here in your ~/.


We're a team of developers providing open source packages for Synology-branded NAS devices through our repository at!


Step by step guide on how to add Community Packages to your Synology NAS.


SynoCommunity provides packages for Synology-branded NAS devices. Packages are provided for free and made by developers on their free time.


A full-featured database management tool available for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Firebird, SimpleDB, Elasticsearch and MongoDB.

What Synology Community Package Sources do you use and trust?

Think of Docker Hub as equivalent to the Synology package source, while any docker registry as being equivalent to a community package source.

Synology Community Package Sources (UPDATE 2024)

Here are the Cedarview packages available from the working repos: BitlBee, BitTorrent Sync, COPS, SouchPotato Server, ...


TheSynoCommunitypackagerepositoryisanOpenSourceprojectthatprovidessoftwarepackageswhicharen'tprovidedorsupportedbySynology, ...,LatestDiscussions;'SnapshotReplication'with'DriveShareSync'·Backup·DisasterRecovery.Bypilotbum;ConnectedtotheNASfrommyMAC·FileServices.SynologyBlog·NAS&SAN·Router·Surveillance,IfoundareallyoldrepositoryforSynoSnap,butthatlooksabandoned.Frommyinitialdebugging,itloo...
