
Trying to understand Docker & Synology

When I search for info about Docker, is kind of straightforward using systems like Ubuntu linux to run Docker straight away.                  

Working: GUI Ubuntu in Docker

Synology have made a simple configuration tool for Docker that enables Docker to many non-expert users. But there is no real help then to such ...

Connect via SSH to Ubuntu container at Synology

You can enter the container using docker exec. Never install SSH in a container unless it is really necessary, which usually is not.  

How to Install Webtop on Your Synology NAS

Go to File Station and open the docker folder. Inside the docker folder, create one new folder and name it webtop. Follow the instructions in ...

請教桌機怎樣連接到NAS Docker 裏面的虛擬ubuntu ? (想 ...

嗨最近剛買synology NAS,用裡面的Docker裝了一個虛擬的ubuntu12,發現ip 是172.17.0.4,而NAS ip 是192.168.2.7 ,外面桌機是192.168.2.34, ...

Docker package on DSM vs Docker in an Ubuntu VM on VMM on DSM

Moving the dockers over to the Ubuntu Server instance with the Docker host running in there should be a very easy task hopefully . Slightly more ...

Setting up Ubuntu on Docker in Synology

Looking to setup Ubuntu on Docker in Synology, but can't see any guides where I can ensure the proper folders are setup for data to be saved ...

Install Ubuntu Server on Synology NAS

Comments18 · How to Use Container Manager (Docker) on a Synology NAS - Beginners Guide · Automatically Mount Synology Share on Linux Boot!

Use Linux in a web browser with Docker on a Synology NAS (Webtop)

Use Linux in a web browser with Docker on a Synology NAS (Webtop) · VolumeData21 · Whoogle: Install Your Own Search Engine on a Synology NAS · Run ...

Tutorial on how to install Ubuntu in Docker

Install Docker from Package Center in Synology. 2. After Docker application is installed, Open it. a. Click on Image in the Docker Application.


WhenIsearchforinfoaboutDocker,iskindofstraightforwardusingsystemslikeUbuntulinuxtorunDockerstraightaway.         ,SynologyhavemadeasimpleconfigurationtoolforDockerthatenablesDockertomanynon-expertusers.Butthereisnorealhelpthentosuch ...,Youcanenterthecontainerusingdockerexec.NeverinstallSSHinacontainerunlessitisreallynecessary,whichusuallyisnot. ,GotoFileStationandopenthedockerfolder.Insidethe...