How Do I Migrate from Synology Mail Server to Synology ...

IwassuggestedtoputaSMTPRelayEmailServerontheLAN;andthenjusthaveRackStation-A,PDUandUPSpointedtoit.Myknowledgeof ...,Anemailsendwithinthesamedomainwillstayinsidethelocalnetwork.Theemailshouldn'tgoaroundtripandbacktotheMailPlusserver.,ClickSMTPRela...。參考影片的文章的如下:


can MailPlus Server be used as a SMTP Relay Mail Server

I was suggested to put a SMTP Relay Email Server on the LAN; and then just have RackStation-A, PDU and UPS pointed to it. My knowledge of ...

Email send within the domain that goes to relay server

An email send within the same domain will stay inside the local network. The email shouldn't go a round trip and back to the MailPlus server.

Enabling SMTP - Knowledge Center

Click SMTP Relay. · Tick the checkbox of Enable SMTP Relay. · Specify the Server and the Port number. Enter the server name with square brackets (e.g., []) ...

How to set up Synology MailPlus with your own domain name

As shown in the above image, there is a button SMTP Relay at the bottom of the General tab of SMTP settings. The SMTP relay may also be located in the Delivery ...

Mail Server - SMTP Relay Issue

The fix was simple, just untick Authentication required under the SMTP relay settings page, click ok to apply the settings change and then tick ...


Sending Emails via Other SMTP Servers · Click SMTP Relay. · Tick the checkbox of Enable SMTP Relay. · Specify the Server and the Port number. Enter the server ...

SMTP | Synology Mail Server

使用其它SMTP 伺服器寄送郵件 · 按一下SMTP Relay。 · 勾選啟用SMTP Relay。 · 輸入伺服器及連接埠編號。請使用方括號指定伺服器以略過不必要的MX 紀錄檢查(例如:[relay.

[Question] How to use MailStation as a Relay? : rsynology

I was able to send as my gmail address by specifying the SMTP server, and also adding the domain as an alternative user email. Upvote

如何設定Synology MailPlus?

若於安裝MailPlus 前已完成MailPlus Server 設定,MailPlus Server 的SMTP 設定將自動套用至設定> SMTP。 您亦可使用您熟悉的軟體(例如:Microsoft Outlook ...


IwassuggestedtoputaSMTPRelayEmailServerontheLAN;andthenjusthaveRackStation-A,PDUandUPSpointedtoit.Myknowledgeof ...,Anemailsendwithinthesamedomainwillstayinsidethelocalnetwork.Theemailshouldn'tgoaroundtripandbacktotheMailPlusserver.,ClickSMTPRelay.·TickthecheckboxofEnableSMTPRelay.·SpecifytheServerandthePortnumber.Entertheservernamewithsquarebrackets(e.g.,[]) ...,Asshownintheaboveimag...