How to Back up and Restore Your Windows Devices Using Active ...

InoticetherearenoentriesinmyPackageSourceslist.Isthethedefaultsource'builtin'ordoIneedtoaddittothislist?IfIdo ...,ButthereisoneproblemwiththePackagecenter:Packagesfromexternal/Communitypackagesourcesdonotshowupinthecommunitytab,soi'm ...,HiAll.It...。參考影片的文章的如下:


default Package Centre Sources

I notice there are no entries in my Package Sources list. Is the the default source 'built in' or do I need to add it to this list ? If I do ...

Packages from external Package sources don't show up

But there is one problem with the Package center : Packages from external/Community package sources do not show up in the community tab, so i'm ...

Package Sources!

Hi All. I think it would be an awesome idea to start a thread, make it sticky, and then paste all the 3rd party package sources we can find in here.

Package sources

I have read the instructions on synocommunity explaining how to add them as a package source. In my package center settings I see no package sources tab.

New package for Synology NAS

There is now a “supported” packaging of Syncthing for Synology. Instructions and package source here:


SynoCommunity provides packages for Synology-branded NAS devices. Packages are provided for free and made by developers on their free time.

How to get packages from package source? - synology

Hi there! I'm building a package source checker (Beta: ). It works great but... I need to know to ...

[SOLVED]Synology 3rd Party Apps

List of 3rd party packages repository providers. This way you get update notifications and the list of all packages in the package center as it should be.

Synology Community Package Sources (UPDATE 2024)

Any packages for data recovery from within the DSM environment? I know that synocommunity has TestDisk in beta but it's without GUI and I wouldn't even know ...


InoticetherearenoentriesinmyPackageSourceslist.Isthethedefaultsource'builtin'ordoIneedtoaddittothislist?IfIdo ...,ButthereisoneproblemwiththePackagecenter:Packagesfromexternal/Communitypackagesourcesdonotshowupinthecommunitytab,soi'm ...,HiAll.Ithinkitwouldbeanawesomeideatostartathread,makeitsticky,andthenpasteallthe3rdpartypackagesourceswecanfindinhere.,Ihavereadtheinstructionsonsynocommunity...