
How do I securely erase data on a drive?

2023年9月25日 — In DSM, go to Storage Manager > HDD/SSD. Select a drive and click Action > Secure Erase. Notes: For more information on drive statuses, refer to ...

How secure is secure erase?

2023年4月9日 — I was talking about drive wiping standards to secure erase. Synology's Secure Erase uses the drives secure erase feature, which is single pass ...


2022年8月20日 — If you want to secure erase disks, remember that you first need to remove the Storage Pool. On the left menu in Storage Manager click Storage ...


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測試dsm系統時候不小心使用Secure Erase,將硬碟資料清除 ...

2016年3月23日 — ... Secure Erase,將硬碟資料清除,如何救回- 請問群暉科技的Secure Erase ... 其次Secure Erase 也不是synology 特有的東西, ... disk 若要執行Secure Erase:


2023年9月25日—InDSM,gotoStorageManager>HDD/SSD.SelectadriveandclickAction>SecureErase.Notes:Formoreinformationondrivestatuses,referto ...,2023年4月9日—Iwastalkingaboutdrivewipingstandardstosecureerase.Synology'sSecureEraseusesthedrivessecureerasefeature,whichissinglepass ...,2022年8月20日—Ifyouwanttosecureerasedisks,rememberthatyoufirstneedtoremovetheStoragePool.OntheleftmenuinStorageMan...