Adding IP Cameras to Synology NAS and Remote Viewing

2019年4月26日—GotoDSM-controlpanel-Applicationportalandsetupanalias(forexamplecam)forSurveillanceStation.Onyourrouterforwardport443 ...,2022年2月16日—Hello,IhaveaNASrunningSurveillanceStationandI'dliketosetupaccesstotheSSfromoutside.Sorryforbeing...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to access synology surveilance station remotely?

2019年4月26日 — Go to DSM - control panel - Application portal and setup an alias (for example cam) for Surveillance Station. On your router forward port 443 ...

Access Surveillance Station from outside

2022年2月16日 — Hello, I have a NAS running Surveillance Station and I'd like to set up access to the SS from outside. Sorry for being thick, I don't know how ...

Navigate Desktop | Surveillance Station

To sign in using Surveillance Station Application Portal: Make sure your computer and Synology server are connected to the same local network. Launch DSM and go ...

Synology NAS External Access Quick Start Guide

2023年7月20日 — External access is the ability to remotely access your Synology NAS from any device with an internet connection. DSM allows you to easily ...


2022年3月5日 — The overall best method to access your Surveillance Station directly is to download the Desktop client of Surveillance Station from the link ...

How secure is allowing user access to Surveillance Station ...

2024年1月19日 — So i have a single Synology 920+ and have just tried connecting a camera and im liking the Surveillance Station software. For remote connections

Remote access security concept

2023年1月21日 — I am planning to use Synology surveillance station. Currently there is no remote access, but I would like to enable it so I could check ...


2019年4月26日—GotoDSM-controlpanel-Applicationportalandsetupanalias(forexamplecam)forSurveillanceStation.Onyourrouterforwardport443 ...,2022年2月16日—Hello,IhaveaNASrunningSurveillanceStationandI'dliketosetupaccesstotheSSfromoutside.Sorryforbeingthick,Idon'tknowhow ...,TosigninusingSurveillanceStationApplicationPortal:MakesureyourcomputerandSynologyserverareconnectedtothesamelocalnetwork.Launc...