

Hello, I'm New and bought a synology 115j.i want to run Transmission on it. Can anyone explain me How to install?

Transmission over Docker

Hello all,. I recently installed Transmission following How to Install Transmission on Your Synology NAS – Marius Hosting.

Transmission working configuration and installation for DSM 7

This is what I went through to get Tranmission to work using the built-in package in Synology. I also laid out where the settings.json file to add/edit info ...

How to Install Transmission on Your Synology NAS

Go to File Station and open the docker folder. Inside the docker folder, create one new folder and name it transmission. Follow the instructions ...

Synology: Install Transmission With Portainer

In this step by step guide I will show you how to install Transmission on your Synology NAS using Docker & Portainer.

Transmission v4.0.6-27

Transmission v4.0.6-27. Transmission is an easy and fast BitTorrent client. You can control it remotely with its web interface or dedicated applications.

Synology NAS Docker分享- linuxservertransmission

Transmission是著名的BT/PT下載軟體, 透過Docker套件在Synology NAS上方便24小時不間斷運行,本文將會介紹如何進行架設. 打開主選單裡的Docker套件,點 ...

剛買synology ds220+ ,DSM找不到transmission

各位大大,我之前是使用QNAP的產品,DSM第一次使用, 我加入google synology 社群想要尋找transmission,但是都找不到這是我版本有問題嗎,還是synology 不 ...

Transmission on Docker or App? : rsynology

Docker, absolutely. The app is rarely updated. Transmission is exposed publicly, so this is important. Containers like ghcr.io/linuxserver/transmission are ...

Set up Transmission on Synology!

Hey everyone! In this video we are installing Transmission on your Synology!


Hello,I'mNewandboughtasynology115j.iwanttorunTransmissiononit.CananyoneexplainmeHowtoinstall?,Helloall,.IrecentlyinstalledTransmissionfollowingHowtoInstallTransmissiononYourSynologyNAS–MariusHosting.,ThisiswhatIwentthroughtogetTranmissiontoworkusingthebuilt-inpackageinSynology.Ialsolaidoutwherethesettings.jsonfiletoadd/editinfo ...,GotoFileStationandopenthedockerfolder.Insidethedockerfolder,cr...