Restore Synology Video Station (and HEVC) in DSM 7.2.2

若要移除所有已被刪除的檔案:.如果您想要刪除所有已刪除之檔案的先前版本,點一下動作>清掃資料庫。請注意,您將無法 ...,Step1:QuitSynologyCloudStation4.2.2aswellasitsrelatedprocess(es)iftheyarestillrunning.Step2:LaunchFinderonyourMac,andclick ...,Unin...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Cloud Station Server

若要移除所有已被刪除的檔案:. 如果您想要刪除所有已刪除之檔案的先前版本,點一下動作> 清掃資料庫。請注意,您將無法 ...

How to uninstall Synology Cloud Station

Step 1: Quit Synology Cloud Station 4.2.2 as well as its related process(es) if they are still running. Step 2: Launch Finder on your Mac, and click ...

How to uninstall Synology Cloud Station

Uninstall any packages you don't want: sudo apt purge {package} Note: Be sure to replace {package} with the actual package(s) you would like to remove.

How can I uninstall Synology Drive Client from my computer?

Open the Start menu, go to Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program. · Right-click on Synology Drive Client and click Uninstall.

Cloud Station Uninstall Failed

My question is can I manually ssh into the nas and delete the @cloudstation folder in volume1 before reinstalling cloud station package and ...

Uninstall CloudStation Drive Ubuntu

I want to remove CloudStation Drive from my Ubuntu desktop. I installed it by mistake - then realised that I wanted CloudStation Backup, ...

Uninstall Synology Cloud Station from Mac

1- Alt + Go Library on the finder to access user/library 2- search cloud 3- find synology cloud plist file and delete 4- Hard Disk Library (main 5 - search ...

Uninstalling CloudStation Drive from Mac

To remove Cloud Station Drive on Mac: Go to Finder > Application and right click the Cloud Station Drive application, then select Package Contents.

Gordon's Tech

Uninstall directions for Ubuntu mention a buried uninstall script in ./Cloudstation; I have Finder set to show invisible files (I like running ...

How to wipe all CloudStation data and start from scratch

On the DSM, go to Cloudstation -> Settings -> Log Delete Rules -> Delete all logs; Copy the backup back into the user's Cloudstation folder ...


若要移除所有已被刪除的檔案:.如果您想要刪除所有已刪除之檔案的先前版本,點一下動作>清掃資料庫。請注意,您將無法 ...,Step1:QuitSynologyCloudStation4.2.2aswellasitsrelatedprocess(es)iftheyarestillrunning.Step2:LaunchFinderonyourMac,andclick ...,Uninstallanypackagesyoudon'twant:sudoaptpurge{package}Note:Besuretoreplace{package}withtheactualpackage(s)youwouldliketoremove.,OpentheStartmenu,gotoCo...