How to Speed Up My Computer

MSConfigisasystemutilitytotroubleshoottheMicrosoftWindowsstartupprocess.Itcandisableorre-enablesoftware,devicedriversandWindows ...,TheWindowsSystemConfigurationutilityhelpsdetermineifaserviceorapplicationbeingloadedintoWindowsiscausingunexpected...。參考影片的文章的如下:



MSConfig is a system utility to troubleshoot the Microsoft Windows startup process. It can disable or re-enable software, device drivers and Windows ...

Using the Windows System Configuration utility

The Windows System Configuration utility helps determine if a service or application being loaded into Windows is causing unexpected operating system behavior.

use the System Configuration utility - Windows Client

Describes how to use the System Configuration utility to troubleshoot errors that may prevent from starting correctly.

System Configuration Tools in Windows

To open System Configuration, you can use one of the following methods: Search for it in the Start menu. Use the keyboard shortcut +R, type MSConfig and press Enter.

How to Use the Windows 10 and 11 MSCONFIG utility on Dell ...

In Windows 10 and 11 you can press the Windows + R keys together and a run box appears. · Type MSCONFIG in the box and then press the ENTER key on your keyboard.

Recover Windows Resources with System Configuration (MSCONFIG)

OPTION A – From your Start menu, choose RUN to open up the RUN dialog and type MSCONFIG, this will bring up the System Configuration utility.

How To Optimize System Configuration On Windows 10

How to Open/Access/Start System Configuration Windows 10 · Press Windows + S or click on the Cortana icon/search box on the taskbar. · Type ...

Win10: Using System Configuration

1) Search the web and Windows, type msconfig 2) Under Boot options, check Safe boot and select Network, click on OK 3) Restart

How To Check System Information on Windows 10 PC , Laptop Full ...

... System Information on Windows 10 PC , Laptop Full Configuration. If you need to know more details of your computer system , you should ...

MSCONFIG Tutorial In Windows

MSCONFIG Tutorial In Windows - Speed Up Computer [Walkthrough] Windows has all sorts of hidden little utilities that let you configure and ...


MSConfigisasystemutilitytotroubleshoottheMicrosoftWindowsstartupprocess.Itcandisableorre-enablesoftware,devicedriversandWindows ...,TheWindowsSystemConfigurationutilityhelpsdetermineifaserviceorapplicationbeingloadedintoWindowsiscausingunexpectedoperatingsystembehavior.,DescribeshowtousetheSystemConfigurationutilitytotroubleshooterrorsthatmaypreventfromstartingcorrectly.,ToopenSystemConfigurat...

Synei System Utilities - 強效型系統優化工具!

Synei System Utilities - 強效型系統優化工具!
