
An all-rounder for travelers ASUS T300 Chi

First the obvious, the size! Currently the ASUS T300 Chi is one of the slimmest devices available (even thinner than the MacBook Air!). It even fits in my purse ...

ASUS T300 Chi - An all-rounder for travelers

The ASUS T300 Chi is one of the slimmest devices available (even thinner than the MacBook Air!). It even fits in my purse.

Asus Transformer Book Chi T300 review - a $549 premium

評分 3.5 · Andrei Girbea Summary: Asus's CHI T300 is a device that will turn heads, grace to its looks and svelte silhouette. It's not just a looker though, is also surprisingly fast in ...

Asus Transformer Book T300 Chi (Full-HD 2015) Review

評分 3.5 · Sam Rutherford · The $699 T300 Chi has a slower CPU, but it's still fast enough for typical use and retains all of the other features that make the new ...

Asus Transformer Book T300 Chi Convertible Review

評分 83% · Allen Ngo · A bright and beautiful 2560x1440 WQHD screen graces the T300 Chi with very crisp colors and texts, especially on a small 12.5-inch form factor.

Asus Transformer Book T300 Chi review

評分 7.8/10 · Dan Ackerman · The T300 Chi makes good use of Intel's Core M processor, but is sometimes awkward to use.

Asus Transformer Book T300 Chi Review

評分 3.5 · Joel Santo Domingo · The pricey Asus Transformer Book T300 Chi is a very thin, elegant-looking detachable-hybrid tablet that makes some major concessions in the ...

Asus Transformer Book T300 Chi review

評分 7.2/10 · Dan Seifert · The T300 Chi is very similar to the MacBook in many respects: it's incredibly thin, solidly built, and attractive to look at. It also comes with ...

Asus Transformer Book T300 Chi

Despite its slimness, the T300 Chi packs an impressive amount of hardware beneath the hood. Its 2560 x 1440 screen resolution means that the ...

【變形金屬】Asus Transformer Book T300 Chi 評測,大勢所催但 ...

Comments21 ; Asus Transformer Book Chi T300 Review! (Intel Core M Powered). Danny Winget ; NEVER install these programs on your PC... EVER!!!


Firsttheobvious,thesize!CurrentlytheASUST300Chiisoneoftheslimmestdevicesavailable(eventhinnerthantheMacBookAir!).Itevenfitsinmypurse ...,TheASUST300Chiisoneoftheslimmestdevicesavailable(eventhinnerthantheMacBookAir!).Itevenfitsinmypurse.,評分3.5·AndreiGirbeaSummary:Asus'sCHIT300isadevicethatwillturnheads,gracetoitslooksandsveltesilhouette.It'snotjustalookerthough,isalsosurprisinglyfastin ...,...