Use Tab Groups in Google Chrome to stay organized



Organize your tabs with tab groups in Google Chrome

Tab groups in Chrome help you organize your tabs. Now, with a simple right click, you can group your tabs together and label them with a custom name and color.

Tab Groups Extension

Automatically group tabs, save tabs/groups, and provide shortcuts for tabs/groups.

Tab Groups Extension

Automatically group tabs, save tabs/groups, and provide shortcuts for tabs/groups. In addition to general tab management functions, this extension ...

chrome.tabGroups | API

Use the chrome.tabGroups API to interact with the browser's tab grouping system. You can use this API to modify and rearrange tab groups in ...


Chrome分頁群組功能啟用技巧. 開啟Google Chrome 瀏覽器,在網址列上直接輸入「chrome://flags/#tab-groups」按下Enter 鍵。

Manage tabs in Chrome - Computer

You can open multiple tabs in Chrome. You can also check and switch between all your tabs. When you open a new tab, Chrome opens a personalized New Tab page.

Get started with Tab organizer in Chrome

Group your open tabs with Tab organizer. At the top left, select Tab search. You can also open Tab search via: Under “Organize tabs,” select Check now.

Tips & Shortcuts for Better Browsing

You can group tabs to keep related pages together in one workspace. To create a tab group, just right-click any tab and select Add tab to new group.

Tab groups

Tab groups lets you organize similar tabs together – for example, “News,” “School,” “Trip Planning” or “Finish These Today!” Tab groups are yours to name ...

Create and Save Tab Groups in Chrome

Tab groups help you stay organized and on top of projects. Did you know you can save AND sync these to your Chrome profile!


TabgroupsinChromehelpyouorganizeyourtabs.Now,withasimplerightclick,youcangroupyourtabstogetherandlabelthemwithacustomnameandcolor.,Automaticallygrouptabs,savetabs/groups,andprovideshortcutsfortabs/groups.,Automaticallygrouptabs,savetabs/groups,andprovideshortcutsfortabs/groups.Inadditiontogeneraltabmanagementfunctions,thisextension ...,Usethechrome.tabGroupsAPItointeractwiththebrowser'stabgrou...