Word Cloud Generator
Customize your own word cloud in the following format [word],[size],[color]. Maximum 2000 words. 美牛,1455,1 立委,1147,1 節目,328,2 警方,193,2 吳宗憲,135,2 ...
Create your own word cloud from any text to visualize word frequency ... is free to use. If you find it useful, you can buy the creator a coffee ». Create a word cloud from... · Help · Contact · Patrons
Create Stunning Word Clouds
WordArt.com is an online word cloud generator that enables you to create amazing and unique word clouds with ease.
HTML5 Word Cloud
Get the most frequent terms in an tag cloud representation, powered by HTML5.
Create word clouds
Easy to make custom word art. Thousands enjoy every day. Fast & secure. WordItOut, the free word cloud generator online since 2010.
Free Word Cloud Generator
Type, paste or upload text into our word cloud generator, customize your word cloud, then experience the power of sentiment data when properly visualized.
Simple Word Cloud Generator
Create beautiful Word Clouds for free. Paste your text here. Enter your text articles, survey answers, chat conversations, or just about anything!
Wordclouds.com is a free online word cloud generator and tag cloud generator, similar to Wordle. Create your own word clouds and tag clouds.