
TAI Tzu Ying

BWF Fan Zone; HSBC BWF World Tour · TotalEnergies BWF World Championships; More ▾. TotalEnergies BWF Sudirman Cup Finals · TotalEnergies BWF Thomas & Uber ...

Soon-to-retire Tai Tzu-ying planning round-the

2 天前 — Tai is also the record holder of the longest world No. 1 in the Badminton World Federation women's ranking, having held that title -- which she ...

戴資穎 Tai Tzu Ying

球迷的心聲我們聽到了,戴資穎/ Tai Tzu Ying即將於#VICTOR高雄大師賽 現場與球迷見面,號召全台戴粉一起穿上Team Tai服飾,為小戴巴黎之路送上最熱情應援。

戴資穎Tai Tzu Ying (@tai_tzuying)

13歲初登國際舞台,從第一場國際賽勝利到登上世界球后,戴資穎已成為羽球的代名詞。 今年,她將正式與選手生涯告別,這最後一舞,她將一如既往全力以赴,絕不放棄。 VICTOR ...

Tai Tzu

Tai Tzu-ying is a Taiwanese badminton player. At the age of 22, she achieved world no.1 in the BWF women's singles ranking in December 2016, and has held ...


BWFFanZone;HSBCBWFWorldTour·TotalEnergiesBWFWorldChampionships;More▾.TotalEnergiesBWFSudirmanCupFinals·TotalEnergiesBWFThomas&Uber ...,2天前—TaiisalsotherecordholderofthelongestworldNo.1intheBadmintonWorldFederationwomen'sranking,havingheldthattitle--whichshe ...,球迷的心聲我們聽到了,戴資穎/TaiTzuYing即將於#VICTOR高雄大師賽現場與球迷見面,號召全台戴粉一起穿上TeamTai服飾,為小戴巴黎之路送...