國光客運車內Free WiFi使用宣導影片

明天(10月1日)開始,只要有TaipeiFree帳號,在臺北市的主要室內外公共場所熱點(Hotspot)可以通,在新北市進捷運車站、搭「TaipeiFree公車」也可以通;10月7日起,中央機關「 ...,Passengercanchoosetotravelbybuseswiththe“TaipeiFree”label,andenjoyfreewireless...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Taipei Free臺北公眾區免費無線上網10月1日全面啟用

明天(10月1日)開始,只要有Taipei Free帳號,在臺北市的主要室內外公共場所熱點(Hotspot)可以通,在新北市進捷運車站、搭「Taipei Free公車」也可以通;10月7日起,中央機關「 ...

Taipei City's Advanced Smart Bus Information Service

Passenger can choose to travel by buses with the “Taipei Free” label, and enjoy free wireless Internet service. In consideration of ...

Wireless Broadband Network

The Taipei Metro has placed 182 wireless hotspots for passengers to freely access TPE-Free Wi-Fi. Locations include all Metro Information ...

About Us | iTaiwan Wi

The service began providing Taiwanese citizens with free wireless internet and basic information services on October 7th, 2011.

FAQs | iTaiwan Wi

The ' iTaiwan Government Indoor Public Area Free WiFi Access ' is free. However, please take careful note of whether yourinternet access device (such as smart ...

Taipei Free Service Trial Program

The Taipei Free online service in public areas is available in 4G. However, it is easily affected by weather changes or interference from the ...

New Taipei City launches free Wi-Fi services on buses

Free Wi-Fi services are now available on all New Taipei City-registered public buses, making the northern Taiwan municipality the first in ...


NewTaipei免費無線上網服務,採免認證方式登入,連線NewTaipei,點選同意按鈕(紅色鍵)即可連上網。 · 請先確認您的上網裝置:筆記型電腦、平板、電腦、智慧型 ...


本公司建置182個無線上網熱點(詳如附件),包括「捷運各車站旅客詢問處」 以及「小巨蛋」、「貓纜」、「兒童新樂園」、「中山地下街」、「東區地下街」等地點,提供TPE- ...


明天(10月1日)開始,只要有TaipeiFree帳號,在臺北市的主要室內外公共場所熱點(Hotspot)可以通,在新北市進捷運車站、搭「TaipeiFree公車」也可以通;10月7日起,中央機關「 ...,Passengercanchoosetotravelbybuseswiththe“TaipeiFree”label,andenjoyfreewirelessInternetservice.Inconsiderationof ...,TheTaipeiMetrohasplaced182wirelesshotspotsforpassengerstofreelyaccessTPE-FreeWi-Fi.LocationsincludeallMetroInfor...