
Opening Times

2024年5月17日 — Animals Exhibits. 9:00am - 4:30pm. Introduction Indoor Outdoor ... The zoo will be closed on days when the Taipei City Government announces ...

【4K】台北一日遊│Taipei Zoo 台北動物園Virtual Taiwan 視 ...

2022年2月26日 — 【4K】台北一日遊│Taipei Zoo 台北動物園Virtual Taiwan 視旅台灣Rainy day Walk in Taipei Zoo 企鵝大貓熊無尾熊一起搭乘可愛的遊園列車吧位於捷運 ...

Taipei Zoo

As the zoo is home to more than 400 animal species, rest assured there's plenty to see! The zoo includes 7 indoor exhibits, each with different themes.At the ...

Indoor Display Areas

NO. Title, Publish Date. 1, Insectarium, 2022-12-08. 2, Penguin House, 2022-12-07. 3, Koala House, 2022-12-06. 4, Amphibian and Reptile House, 2022-12-05.

Very Big Zoo in a Rainy Day - Taipei

This place is very interesting for kids as it had a good collection of animals, including a panda. The zoo also offered a tram ride inside for those who want to ...

25 Taipei Indoor Activities for a Rainy Day

2023年4月12日 — Wondering what to do in Taipei when it rains? Find loads of indoor activities in Taipei for a rainy day and other tips for the rainy season!

Great Day Out in the Rain

It was raining light the day we went to the zoo. This wasn't a huge issue as it was easy to get umbrellas and rain ponchos at the 7-11 at the entrance.


,2024年5月17日—AnimalsExhibits.9:00am-4:30pm.IntroductionIndoorOutdoor...ThezoowillbeclosedondayswhentheTaipeiCityGovernmentannounces ...,2022年2月26日—【4K】台北一日遊│TaipeiZoo台北動物園VirtualTaiwan視旅台灣RainydayWalkinTaipeiZoo企鵝大貓熊無尾熊一起搭乘可愛的遊園列車吧位於捷運 ...,Asthezooishometomorethan400animalspecies,restassuredthere'splentytosee!Thezooincludes7indoorexhibits,eachwithdi...