(Turn CC on) Is the Taipei Zoo a Good Zoo?|Taiwan Talk

2023年1月5日—TaipeiZooisverylarge,goingthroughitallinonevisitishardwork;also,therearemanyanimalshere,tryingtoseeeveryexhibitionin ...,ThelargestzoologicalparkinAsia,theTaipeiZooisanextremelywellcuratedassemblageofanimalsfromaroundtheworld,special...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Suggested Itinerary

2023年1月5日 — Taipei Zoo is very large, going through it all in one visit is hard work; also, there are many animals here, trying to see every exhibition in ...

Review of Taipei Zoo

The largest zoological park in Asia, the Taipei Zoo is an extremely well curated assemblage of animals from around the world, specializing in Asian wildlife ...

Maokong Gondola & Taipei Zoo Tickets

Taipei zoo is a huge place. I spend 2hrs there and unable to visit everything. Only finished abt 1/2. The tickets were easy to redeem.

Taipei Zoo

Reviews of Taipei Zoo. Trip.com. TripAdvisor. /5Outstanding Reviews. All (691). Latest. With Photos (582). Verified Booking (33). Positive Reviews (668).

Taipei Zoo


Taipei Zoo

A wonderful zoo. Lots of animals that you don't see in a western zoo. The price is only NT$60. The layout is easy to follow. The animals appear well cared ...

(文山, 台北)臺北市立動物園

臺北市立動物園:查看Tripadvisor 上在台北文山的旅遊景點排名,瀏覽關於臺北市立動物園的旅客評論和真實旅客照片。

Taipei zoo review and species list ...

2017年7月17日 — Although there isn't much species I was impressed here and there is no lifetick, the exhibit for the animal is quite good, and was well suit for ...


2023年1月5日—TaipeiZooisverylarge,goingthroughitallinonevisitishardwork;also,therearemanyanimalshere,tryingtoseeeveryexhibitionin ...,ThelargestzoologicalparkinAsia,theTaipeiZooisanextremelywellcuratedassemblageofanimalsfromaroundtheworld,specializinginAsianwildlife ...,Taipeizooisahugeplace.Ispend2hrsthereandunabletovisiteverything.Onlyfinishedabt1/2.Theticketswereeasytoredeem.,ReviewsofTaipe...