
Do you know any place where I can go to animals volunteer? Last ...

Do you know any place where I can go to animals volunteer? Last time I went to The Pack sanctuary but I haven't heard back from them in a while.

How do I become a volunteer at the Taipei Animal Shelter (TAS)?

After filling out the application form, a senior volunteer supervisor will conduct an interview, explain job descriptions and introduce TAS.


Each internship should last at least 2 weeks (10 working days) or at least one day per week consecutively for 3 months or above.

Scouting at the Taipei Zoo like a pro! Local's tip to the ecology of ...

If you're in luck, you can join the gathering hosted by volunteers. They will share some interesting animal trivia. Recommended Day Trip. There is more in The ...

Serve Your Community

In this article, we will recommend volunteer projects based on different academic fields, so students are able to learn relevant knowledge while contributing ...

Taipei Zoo-Duties

In order to restore the biodiversity in the ponds, volunteers and zoo staff uprooted these beautiful plants, often under the fiery summer sun.

Taipei Zoo-Duties

Volunteers are stationed throughout the Zoo to provide information on wildlife, conservation and the environment. During weekends and on ...


It ranges from guided tours and promotion, research and monitoring, to environmental maintenance. Meet National Forest Volunteers.

Zoo Volunteers Mobilizes for Clean up the World Weekend

The volunteers serve a variety of functions at Taipei Zoo, including guides, puppet performance, education promotion, animal caretaking, and ...


本研究從遊客對志工解說之涉入程度觀點切入,旨在探討臺北市立動物園志工解說滿意度與解說後遊客行為意向之關係,具體研究擔任動物園教育信使之志工,是否透過對遊客之 ...

