How to Easily Take a Scrolling Screenshot



GoFullPage - Full Page Screen Capture

Capture a screenshot of your current page in entirety and reliably—without requesting any extra permissions!

Take Webpage Screenshots Entirely - FireShot

Take FULL webpage screenshots. Capture, edit and save them to PDF/JPEG/GIF/PNG, upload, print, send to OneNote, clipboard or email.

Free Online Webpage Screenshot Tool

Type in or copy/paste the URL of the webpage you want to capture. Make sure the Full-page Screenshot option is turned on if you want to capture the entire ...

Capture a website screenshot online

Pikwy is a service for creating screenshots of websites online. Here you can, quickly and free capture a full screenshot of the website with high resolution ... Screenshot API Documentation · Screenshot API Pricing and... · Login · Sig

Screenshot Guru

With Screenshot Guru, you can capture beautiful, full-length high-resolution (retina display) PNG screenshot images of web pages, tweets and any public ...

Website Screenshot

評分 5.0 (31) · 起價:US$0.00 · 開發人員 The website screenshot taker is a free tool by ScreenshotOne that captures website screenshots online. You can get any website screenshot without registration ...

How to take a screenshot of an entire webpage using Microsoft Edge

Select Ctrl + Shift + S to open web capture. Select Capture full page, the middle option, to take a screenshot of your entire webpage ...

How Can I Screenshot an Entire Website? : rchrome

Edge has a built in Web Capture. Ctrl+Shift+S lets you screenshot the entire page and save it as an image. It prints the entire web-page to ...


Site-Shot: Web page screenshot service, that provides rich interface to make any kind of web screenshots online for free with no limits. In add-on it provides ...

How to screenshot on Chrome (+ a full page screenshot)

With the web page open, press command + shift + S (on Mac) or Ctrl + Shift + S (on Windows). · Click Capture full page. How to take a full page screenshot in ...


Captureascreenshotofyourcurrentpageinentiretyandreliably—withoutrequestinganyextrapermissions!,TakeFULLwebpagescreenshots.Capture,editandsavethemtoPDF/JPEG/GIF/PNG,upload,print,sendtoOneNote,clipboardoremail.,Typeinorcopy/pastetheURLofthewebpageyouwanttocapture.MakesuretheFull-pageScreenshotoptionisturnedonifyouwanttocapturetheentire ...,Pikwyisaserviceforcreatingscreenshotsofwebsitesonline.He...