How to add a userscript to Tampermonkey




This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as adding script and img tags if the page limits these elements with a content security policy (CSP).


If you have a URL to a script, just paste it to Chrome's Omnibox. In the Tampermonkey dashboard, click on the Add a new script button. This will open a new ...

How can i load an external script on a webpage using ...

2019年2月3日 — I need to load a JavaScript file stored from a separate site directly to a website using tampermonkey. Loading the code directly in a tampermonkey document ...

How to Transfer All Greasemonkey userscripts ...

2017年11月15日 — Click the Tampermonkey plugin; Click Dashboard; Navigate to Utilities tab; Click Browse... under Zip menu; Select the exported zip file; Click ...

Importing modules in a JS file

2021年12月23日 — I'm trying to get TM to import some modules from a JS file and I'm not having any luck. Code: // ==UserScript== // @name Test-Read-and-Save // @namespace http: ...

Tampermonkey Script (import file)

2014年8月21日 — Open Tampermonkey, go to Utilities on the right at the top and choose Import file. (There are two options, one for file, one for zip so ... at master

tampermonkey-scriptsInstall Tampermonkey.Select a script in this repo that you wish to use. ... Copy the source.Open Tampermonkey in your browser and click the Add Script tab (icon with a plus symbol)Paste the source into the script window and hit save.Vo


Tampermonkey's editor is OK, but you want to use your own? The solution is to enable file access and to @require the local copy of your script.

Tribe Tampermonkey scripts

Install Tampermonkey · Select a script in this repo that you wish to use. · Copy the source · Open Tampermonkey in your browser and click the Add Script tab (icon ...


Thiscanbeusefulforavarietyofpurposes,suchasaddingscriptandimgtagsifthepagelimitstheseelementswithacontentsecuritypolicy(CSP).,IfyouhaveaURLtoascript,justpasteittoChrome'sOmnibox.IntheTampermonkeydashboard,clickontheAddanewscriptbutton.Thiswillopenanew ...,2019年2月3日—IneedtoloadaJavaScriptfilestoredfromaseparatesitedirectlytoawebsiteusingtampermonkey.Loadingthecodedirectlyinatampermonkeydocum...


