
Tango Dance

Tango dance is one the most famous partner dances that emphasizes the vibrant and playful style of movement, rich expressions, improvisation and requires close ...


Tango is a partner dance and social dance that originated in the 1880s along the Río de la Plata, the natural border between Argentina and Uruguay.


Tango, ballroom dance, musical style, and song. The tango evolved about 1880 in dance halls and perhaps brothels in the lower-class districts of Buenos ...


Tangodanceisonethemostfamouspartnerdancesthatemphasizesthevibrantandplayfulstyleofmovement,richexpressions,improvisationandrequiresclose ...,Tangoisapartnerdanceandsocialdancethatoriginatedinthe1880salongtheRíodelaPlata,thenaturalborderbetweenArgentinaandUruguay.,Tango,ballroomdance,musicalstyle,andsong.Thetangoevolvedabout1880indancehallsandperhapsbrothelsinthelower-classdistrictsofBuenos ...