#TCH15 - Winners Concert II: Yu



medici.tv - #TCH15

#TCH15 Yu-Chien Tseng from Taiwan has been awarded 2nd Prize of the Violin XV International Tchaikovsky Competition, bravo! – No 1st Prize aw.

xv international tchaikovsky competition breaks world records with ...

These official TCH15.medici.tv social-media channels have an accumulated reach so far of 3,630,457 with an engagement of 570,979 interactions.

TCH15 - winners | concert, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

#TCH15 - winners · Exactly one year ago, the XV International Tchaikovsky competition laureates were performing their first gala concert at the ...

#TCH15 Great news! medici.tv is the official webcast partner of the ...

TCH15 Great news! medici.tv is the official webcast partner of the XV International Tchaikovsky competition. #teasing Stay tuned from June ...

XV International Tchaikovsky Competition: Winners' Concert

Enjoy the last moments of the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition and watch live on medici.tv and on tch15.medici.tv the second gala concert performed ...

XV International Tchaikovsky Competition

The announcement of the winners will be broadcast live from the Awards Ceremony on medici.tv on July 1st and on http://tch15.medici.tv On July 3rd, following ...

The XV International Tchaikovsky Competition

#TCH15 - Cello Final Round: Jonathan Roozeman. medici.tv · 10:14 · #TCH15 - Cello Final Round: Alexander Ramm. medici.tv.

The XV International Tchaikovsky Competition

The XV International Tchaikovsky Competition - Cello Round 1 - medici.tv · #TCH15 - Cello Round 1: Anastasia Kobekina · #TCH15 - Cello Round 1: Brannon Cho · # ...

#TCH15 - Winners Concert II: Yu-Chien Tseng

Discover the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition: http://tch15.medici.tv/en/ Subscribe to our channel for more videos ...

Violin Final Round: Yu-Chien Tseng - TCH15

Discover the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition: http://tch15.medici.tv/en/ Subscribe to our channel for more videos ...


#TCH15Yu-ChienTsengfromTaiwanhasbeenawarded2ndPrizeoftheViolinXVInternationalTchaikovskyCompetition,bravo!–No1stPrizeaw.,TheseofficialTCH15.medici.tvsocial-mediachannelshaveanaccumulatedreachsofarof3,630,457withanengagementof570,979interactions.,#TCH15-winners·Exactlyoneyearago,theXVInternationalTchaikovskycompetitionlaureateswereperformingtheirfirstgalaconcertatthe ...,TCH15Greatnews!medici.t...