TclCisco Lesson 34: regexp



Tcl Built-In Commands

Determines whether the regular expression exp matches part or all of string and returns 1 if it does, 0 if it doesn't, unless -inline is specified (see below).


基本概念: regexp 把匹配整个正规表达式的子字符串赋给第一个变量;然后在匹配整个正则表达式的子字符串中匹配正规表达式的最左边的子表达式的子字符串 ...

tcltk参考——字符串操作regexp 翻译

名称. regexp - 为一个字符串进行正则表达式匹配. 语法. regexp ?switches? exp string ?matchVar? ?subMatchVar subMatchVar ...? 描述.

Regular Expressions in TCL

Regular expressions in TCL are a way to search text. These help us to find a particular character and then we can use our ways to deal with ...

Tcl 有三種正規表示式風格

在Tcl 中,你可以使用regexp 指令來測試正規表示式是否比對(字串的)一部分,並擷取比對的部分。指令的語法如下:. regexp ?switches? regexp subject ?matchvar ...

Need explanation of tcl regexp inline example in the man page please

regexp returns a list consisting of one value for the entire region matched and one value for each submatch (regions captured by parentheses).

Regular Expression Examples

A list, roughly sorted by complexity, of regular expression examples. It also serves as both a library of useful expressions to include in your own code.

regexp (n)

Determines whether the regular expression exp matches part or all of string and returns 1 if it does, 0 if it doesn't.

正则匹配与替换regexp & regsub - いつまでも

regexp 是用于判断正则表达式是否全部或者部分匹配目标字符串的命令,匹配返回1,否则返回0。 regsub 是用于对目标字符串中满足正则表达式的部分进行替换,并将替换后的结果 ...

Tcl - Regular Expressions

The regexp command is used to match a regular expression in Tcl. A regular expression is a sequence of characters that contains a search pattern.


Determineswhethertheregularexpressionexpmatchespartorallofstringandreturns1ifitdoes,0ifitdoesn't,unless-inlineisspecified(seebelow).,基本概念:regexp把匹配整个正规表达式的子字符串赋给第一个变量;然后在匹配整个正则表达式的子字符串中匹配正规表达式的最左边的子表达式的子字符串 ...,名称.regexp-为一个字符串进行正则表达式匹配.语法.regexp?switches?expstring?matchVar??subMatchVarsubMatchVar...?描述.,Re...