

Bots can attach a ReplyMarkup constructor to outgoing messages, to attach an inline keyboard or a custom reply keyboard: replyKeyboardMarkup - Sends a custom ...

Day 22-Telegram Bot:回覆鍵盤

Day 22-Telegram Bot:回覆鍵盤. 上次講到了利用機器人傳送訊息的方法,而這次來講另一個也蠻常用到的回覆鍵盤。 應該有不少人都對通訊軟體裡官方帳號可以選擇的按鍵有 ...

Day 23

Day 23-Telegram Bot:Inline keyboard&callback_query. 再來要講的這個inline keyboard其實是reply_markup的其中一種類型,而為什麼要特別拉出來講呢?

Introducing Bot API 2.0

Inline keyboards are available for messages sent both in chat mode and inline mode. Unlike with custom reply keyboards, pressing buttons on inline keyboards ...


One of the coolest things about Telegram Bot API are the new custom keyboards. Whenever your bot sends a message, it can pass along a special keyboard with ...


One of the coolest things about Telegram Bot API are the new custom keyboards. Whenever your bot sends a message, it can pass along a special keyboard with ...

Simple and powerful keyboard builder for Telegram Bots

Simple and powerful keyboard builder for Telegram Bots - RealPeha/telegram-keyboard.

Telegram Bot 學習筆記

2019年8月27日 — Telegram Bot 預設是無法的,除非使用者傳過訊息給機器人,機器人回覆訊息時帶上鍵盤,或是機器人有了使用者的id,在主動傳訊息時帶上鍵盤,要以上兩種 ...

Telegram Bot 學習筆記

2019年8月27日 — 本篇大綱:機器人選單/鍵盤= 網頁導覽列、telegram bot keyboard 格式、ReplyKeyboard、InlineKeyboard、製作第二層選單Updating ...


BotscanattachaReplyMarkupconstructortooutgoingmessages,toattachaninlinekeyboardoracustomreplykeyboard:replyKeyboardMarkup-Sendsacustom ...,Day22-TelegramBot:回覆鍵盤.上次講到了利用機器人傳送訊息的方法,而這次來講另一個也蠻常用到的回覆鍵盤。應該有不少人都對通訊軟體裡官方帳號可以選擇的按鍵有 ...,Day23-TelegramBot:Inlinekeyboard&callback_query.再來要講的這個inlinekeyboard其實是reply_markup...