
Delete all messages in a telegram group chat

Short of doing it manually, you have to contact the admins of each group, and ask that they delete all your messages. Unless you can think of ...

Cannot leave and delete inaccessiable group permanently #25715

Click the dot menu and choose delete and leave, the group will be deleted now. Restart Tg then the group just comes back.

Group Permissions, Undo Delete and More

Introducing Telegram 5.2: New permissions for groups, unified group settings, undo deleting chats and more

How to Delete Groups in Telegram

How to Delete Groups in Telegram · 1. Open your Telegram app. · 2. Tap on the group you want to leave and press on the “I” icon in the top right ...

Is it possible to delete a Telegram group without leaving the ...

Click on the group name on top · Then click on the three white dots on the top right · Then click on delete and leave group · Then press Ok.

Is it possible to delete a group AND also remove all of it's users?

go to the chat profile screen . tap on the gear icon in the top-right portion of the screen . group info option . delete group

I'm a bit confused about how leaving a group works. Does delete ...

I'm a bit confused about how leaving a group works. Does delete and leave mean it deletes the group entirely for all members?

How To Delete A Group You Created on Telegram

In this video, I'll show you: ✓ How To Delete A Group You Created on Telegram Don't forget to subscribe!

How To Delete A Group You Created In Telegram

Learn how to delete a group you created in Telegram with our full guide. Follow these steps: 1. Open Telegram. 2. Tap on the group's name ...


Shortofdoingitmanually,youhavetocontacttheadminsofeachgroup,andaskthattheydeleteallyourmessages.Unlessyoucanthinkof ...,Clickthedotmenuandchoosedeleteandleave,thegroupwillbedeletednow.RestartTgthenthegroupjustcomesback.,IntroducingTelegram5.2:Newpermissionsforgroups,unifiedgroupsettings,undodeletingchatsandmore,HowtoDeleteGroupsinTelegram·1.OpenyourTelegramapp.·2.Taponthegroupyouwanttoleaveand...