

Telegram Server is an open source, server side implementation of Telegram API. This project is currently being developed and only a small number of API ...


This repo contains the official source code for Telegram App for Android. ... Download the Telegram source code from https://github.com/DrKLO/Telegram ...

Durov's reasoning on not open sourcing the server code ...

2021年1月9日 — Publishing the server code doesn't improve security, because - unlike with the client-side code - there's no way to verify that the same code is run on the ...

Is it possible to host telegram on my own server?

2016年1月5日 — According to the official telegram FAQ the current answer is no: Q: Can I run Telegram using my own server? Our architecture does not support federation yet.

Telegram APIs

This API allows you to build your own customized Telegram clients. It is 100% open for all developers who wish to create Telegram applications on our platform.

Telegram is not truly open source. They utilize a pre

Telegram is not truly open source. They utilize a pre-compiled library for the actual messaging code, as seen here.

What's wrong with open source Telegram?

Telegram source code is indeed free and open, but it will barely help app developers build their own messaging apps. Here's why.

Why is Telegram's server

2024年4月20日 — Why is Telegram's server-side code closed source. Because how Telegram runs their infrastructure is a trade secret and a security concern.

Why Telegram source code is so hard to read?

2018年7月17日 — It turned out some activities are thousands lines of code long, without any obvious use of Presenters, Models or other Clean Architecture implementations.


TelegramServerisanopensource,serversideimplementationofTelegramAPI.ThisprojectiscurrentlybeingdevelopedandonlyasmallnumberofAPI ...,ThisrepocontainstheofficialsourcecodeforTelegramAppforAndroid....DownloadtheTelegramsourcecodefromhttps://github.com/DrKLO/Telegram ...,2021年1月9日—Publishingtheservercodedoesn'timprovesecurity,because-unlikewiththeclient-sidecode-there'snowaytoverifythatthesamec...