That's The Way It Is

2020年8月24日—並且從死亡中得到永恆安詳的救贖……我想,這就是人生了吧。,That'sTheWayItIs.DanielLanois.TheMusicofRedDeadRedemption2(OriginalSoundtrack)20194: ...,That'stheWayItIsisanoriginalsongfeaturedinthefinalmissionofthemainstorylineinRedDeadRede...。參考影片的文章的如下:


That's The Way It Is(中英字幕)

2020年8月24日 — 並且從死亡中得到永恆安詳的救贖…… 我想,這就是人生了吧。

That's The Way It Is

That's The Way It Is. Daniel Lanois. The Music of Red Dead Redemption 2 (Original Soundtrack)20194: ...

That's the Way It Is - Red Dead Wiki

That's the Way It Is is an original song featured in the final mission of the main storyline in Red Dead Redemption 2. It is the third track featured in ...

Red Dead Redemption 2

Geek Music的歌曲「Red Dead Redemption 2 - That's The Way It Is」在這裡,快打開KKBOX 盡情收聽。

“That's the way it is” - Daniel Lanois ????

2020年11月25日 — “That's the way it is” - Daniel Lanois ... This song gives me chills everytime. ... Incredible job. However, I noticed it sounded a tad bit off..


2020年8月24日—並且從死亡中得到永恆安詳的救贖……我想,這就是人生了吧。,That'sTheWayItIs.DanielLanois.TheMusicofRedDeadRedemption2(OriginalSoundtrack)20194: ...,That'stheWayItIsisanoriginalsongfeaturedinthefinalmissionofthemainstorylineinRedDeadRedemption2.Itisthethirdtrackfeaturedin ...,GeekMusic的歌曲「RedDeadRedemption2-That'sTheWayItIs」在這裡,快打開KKBOX盡情收聽。,2020年11月25日—“That'sthew...