
Play The Crew Motorfest

Play The Crew Motorfest with Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta). Welcome to Motorfest, the ultimate open world driving experience. Explore the beautiful Hawaiian ...

The Crew Motorfest Beta is running on 10 FPS even though my PC ...

The game is giving me a max of 10 to 15 fps only. On the menu it's around 10fps but during gameplay it's around 5 to 6 fps.

《飆酷車神2》中文版確定6 月上市上網登錄即可參加Beta 測試

Ubisoft 16 日宣布,開放世界競速遊戲《飆酷車神(The Crew)》系列最新作《飆酷車神2 (The Crew 2)》中文版將於6 月29 日在PS4、Xbox One 和Windows PC 平台

The Crew (video game)

On 21 July 2014, Ubisoft released a closed beta of The Crew on the PC for a limited time only. The beta allowed players to play a portion of the story ...

The Crew™ Motorfest

Newest iteration in The Crew™ franchise, The Crew™ Motorfest lets you fulfill the driving bucket list of your dreams in a beautiful Hawaiian open world.

Save 70% on The Crew Motorfest on Steam

評分 3.5 (6,290) The ultimate open-world driving experience. Explore the Hawaiian islands of O'ahu and Maui. Celebrate the best of car culture through 20+ themed campaigns.

封閉Beta 測試指南

《The Crew 2》封閉Beta 測試將從5 月31 日開始至6 月4 日於Uplay、PlayStation 4、Xbox One 等平台開放。

The Crew 1 is Almost BACK!

Comments471. whammy4. You and Matty should expect an invite to beta 2 when the time comes around......

The Crew PC Beta:原來用Keyboard玩賽車Game是有特別技巧 ...

The Crew PC Beta:原來用Keyboard玩賽車Game是有特別技巧〈遊戲人間打機版〉2014-08-28. 6K views · 10 years ago ...more. memehongkong. 936K.

你的車隊,無盡的冒險— The Crew《飆酷車神》第二次PC Beta...

你的車隊,無盡的冒險— The Crew《飆酷車神》第二次PC Beta 封閉測試活動即將於今晚展開!你,準備好上路狂飆了 嗎? A new The Crew beta session is coming!


PlayTheCrewMotorfestwithXboxCloudGaming(Beta).WelcometoMotorfest,theultimateopenworlddrivingexperience.ExplorethebeautifulHawaiian ...,Thegameisgivingmeamaxof10to15fpsonly.Onthemenuit'saround10fpsbutduringgameplayit'saround5to6fps.,Ubisoft16日宣布,開放世界競速遊戲《飆酷車神(TheCrew)》系列最新作《飆酷車神2(TheCrew2)》中文版將於6月29日在PS4、XboxOne和WindowsPC平台,On21July2014,Ubisoftreleas...