Fast And Furious 8

ThisplaylistincludestheoriginaltracksofFast&Furious8(TheFateoftheFurious)film.JaredMoreno.110likes49min56sec.,1.GangUp(YoungThug,2Chainz,WizKhalifaandPnBRock)·Invincible;TheAgency.3:51;2.GoOff(LilUziVert,QuavoandTravisScott)·The ...,TheFateoftheF...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Fast and Furious 8 (Original Soundtrack)

This playlist includes the original tracks of Fast & Furious 8 (The Fate of the Furious) film. Jared Moreno. 110 likes49 min 56 sec.

The Fate of the Furious (soundtrack)

1. Gang Up (Young Thug, 2 Chainz, Wiz Khalifa and PnB Rock) · Invincible; The Agency. 3:51 ; 2. Go Off (Lil Uzi Vert, Quavo and Travis Scott) · The ...

The Fate of the Furious soundtrack at ...

The Fate of the Furious ; Pinto Wahin, La Habana (with DJ Ricky Luna) (feat. El Taiger) ; Pitbull, Hey Ma (with J Balvin) (feat. Camila Cabello) ...

The Fate of the Furious: The Album

2017年4月14日 — Fate of the Furious, a.k.a. Furious 8, is heavy on trap, electronic, and R&B vibes. “Gang Up,” “Go Off,” and “Horses” are posse cuts ...


ThisplaylistincludestheoriginaltracksofFast&Furious8(TheFateoftheFurious)film.JaredMoreno.110likes49min56sec.,1.GangUp(YoungThug,2Chainz,WizKhalifaandPnBRock)·Invincible;TheAgency.3:51;2.GoOff(LilUziVert,QuavoandTravisScott)·The ...,TheFateoftheFurious;PintoWahin,LaHabana(withDJRickyLuna)(feat.ElTaiger);Pitbull,HeyMa(withJBalvin)(feat.CamilaCabello) ...,2017年4月14日—FateoftheFurious,a.k.a...