
UltiMakers'sThingiverseisathrivingdesigncommunityfordiscovering,making,andsharing3Dprintablethings.Astheworld'slargest3Dprintingcommunity, ...,WelcometoThingiverseEducation–whereinnovationmeetstheclassroom.Discoveroverahundredfreelessons,curatedcurriculum,andcollaborativeprojects.,Downloadfilesandbuildthemwithyour3Dprinter,lasercutter,orCNC.,Downloadfilesandbuildthemwithyour3Dprinter,lasercutt...

Digital Designs for Physical Objects

UltiMakers's Thingiverse is a thriving design community for discovering, making, and sharing 3D printable things. As the world's largest 3D printing community, ...

MakerBot Education

Welcome to Thingiverse Education – where innovation meets the classroom. Discover over a hundred free lessons, curated curriculum, and collaborative projects.

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Download files and build them with your 3D printer, laser cutter, or CNC.


Download files and build them with your 3D printer, laser cutter, or CNC.

Thingiverse Apps

Thingiverse Apps. Apps expand the audience for Things and opportunities for designers by allowing users to customize, print, repair, and enhance their work.

Thingiverse Printables | 3D GO

2024年2月7日 — 3D GO:综合性3D 打印应用程序 欢迎使用3D GO,这是3D 打印、3D 模型和创造力融合的应用程序。借助3D GO,可以访问Thingiverse、Cults3D、Printables ...