Fix TinyUmbrella not work on Windows

可以尝试如下的解决方法:.第一步,先打开控制面板确认自己所安装的JAVA是32位还是64的,直接看JAVA标志就行了,默认64位就是 ...,Justdownloadedthenewversionoftinyumbrella,butiffailstostartup.Iseesomeloadingstuff,butthenit'sgone.Triedreinstall32bit&64bit...。參考影片的文章的如下:



可以尝试如下的解决方法:. 第一步,先打开控制面板确认自己所安装的JAVA是32位还是64的,直接看JAVA标志就行了,默认64位就是 ...

Tinyumbrella fails to start :(

Just downloaded the new version of tinyumbrella, but if fails to start up. I see some loading stuff, but then it's gone. Tried reinstall 32bit & 64bit Java.

Tiny Umbrella Crash

i got the following error. java.lang.NullPointerException at at com.semaphore.tu.service ...

(Solved) TinyUmbrella Startup Error? How to Fix

In this guide, we will take a look at what to do when TinyUmbrella will not work or displays an error message at startup.

How to fix TinyUmbrella v9.3.4 crashing on launch

This guide will walk you through the fix to get your umbrella back up again on Mac, so you can carry on wishfully saving those blobs.

problemas tinyumbrella

... tengo un problema con la ap tinyumbrella al iniciarla me pone esto Usando Java ... lang.NullPointerException en com.semaphore.util ...

tinyumbrella is not work and not startup!!! please help me

I have problem with tinyumbrella. i install java 8 update 151 32 and 64 on windows 7 64 bit. and install tinyumbrella and 9.3.4 64 bit.

[Question] Can't seem to get my TinyUmbrella to work

I've tried a bunch of different methods to get my tiny umbrella to work, including placing the .ja_ files in the cache folder and trying to use older versions.

I can't start TinyUmbrella : rjailbreak

I can't start TinyUmbrella because I get a java.lang.NullPointerException error. Is this fixable?


可以尝试如下的解决方法:.第一步,先打开控制面板确认自己所安装的JAVA是32位还是64的,直接看JAVA标志就行了,默认64位就是 ...,Justdownloadedthenewversionoftinyumbrella,butiffailstostartup.Iseesomeloadingstuff,butthenit'sgone.Triedreinstall32bit&64bitJava., .....