
Inthistalk,CassidyWilliamswillgothroughsomeofthetechnicaldetailsofato-doappcalledtodometer,howitcametobe,andthepowerofopen ...,todometer.Asimple,meter-basedto-dolistbuiltwithElectronandReact.todometer.Download.,Ameterto-dolistbuiltwithAndroidJetpack(Room,ViewModel,LiveData,Databinding,ViewBinding,DataStore...),MotionLayout,KotlinCoroutines,Dagger ...,ameter-basedto-dolistforyourdesktop·Positiv...

Building Todometer

In this talk, Cassidy Williams will go through some of the technical details of a to-do app called todometer, how it came to be, and the power of open ...

cassidootodometer: A meter-based to

todometer. A simple, meter-based to-do list built with Electron and React. todometer. Download.


A meter to-do list built with Android Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, LiveData, Databinding, ViewBinding, DataStore...), MotionLayout, Kotlin Coroutines, Dagger ...


a meter-based to-do list for your desktop · Positive reinforcement: as you complete tasks, the progress meter fills. · Paused items: feel free to put off things ...


2023年10月6日 — 用于组织工作的任务表。您可以创建项目并将任务与它们相关联。借助进度条,您可以看到工作进度。应用基于:


2023年10月6日 — 用於組織工作的任務表。您可以創建項目並將任務與它們相關聯。借助進度條,您可以看到工作進度。應用基於:

todometer 1.0.4 for Windows

todometer is a meter-based to-do list for your desktop that offers positive reinforcement - as you complete tasks, the progress meter fills.