Torchlight II

Weweregettingaconnectionfailedmessageconstantly;onlyoneofourplayerswasabletoconnecttothehost,theothertwoofuswere ...,評分4.5(31,923)AnActionRPGfilledwithepicbattles,bountifultreasure,andafullyrandomizedworld.Bringyourfriendsalongforthejourneywith...。參考影片的文章的如下:


I can't play in Multiplayer mode :

We were getting a connection failed message constantly; only one of our players was able to connect to the host, the other two of us were ...

Torchlight II on Steam

評分 4.5 (31,923) An Action RPG filled with epic battles, bountiful treasure, and a fully randomized world. Bring your friends along for the journey with online and LAN ...

Torchlight II

評分 4.5 (31,917) Torchlight II 不僅有原作的一切風格與刺激,更將世界擴大,增添玩家熱烈要求的特色,包括線上與LAN 多人遊戲模式。再一次,世界的命運掌握在您手中。 主要特色. 角色四類供您 ...

Multiplayer CoOp - is it broken? : rTorchlight

There are numerous reports in the Steam reviews that claim the login or multiplayer functionality is broken or buggy.

Is steam multiplayer playable? torchlight 2

I have the epic version but the multiplayer doesnt work, apparently you have to do a bunch of mumbo jumbo before it works, I am wondering if ...


Weweregettingaconnectionfailedmessageconstantly;onlyoneofourplayerswasabletoconnecttothehost,theothertwoofuswere ...,評分4.5(31,923)AnActionRPGfilledwithepicbattles,bountifultreasure,andafullyrandomizedworld.BringyourfriendsalongforthejourneywithonlineandLAN ...,評分4.5(31,917)TorchlightII不僅有原作的一切風格與刺激,更將世界擴大,增添玩家熱烈要求的特色,包括線上與LAN多人遊戲模式。再一次,世界...
