How to enable touchpal for oppo



How to Enable TouchPal Keyboard in OPPO

What is TouchPal on Android phone? TouchPal Keyboard is the default keyboard on OPPO phones and many other Android devices.

Multiling o Keyboard O keypad

評分 4.1 (10,663) · 免費 · Android · Touchpal for oppo is multiple keyboards with an English to Spanish keyboard. Ptouchpall keyboard has gradient themes for background ...

Search OPPO Support

What is TouchPal for OPPO Phones and the TouchPal Themes? TouchPal is a function where you can use your voice to interact with the TouchPal keyboard!

TouchPal APK for Android Download

TouchPal Android Keyboard is a new keyboard with fun emoji, predictive text and glide typing. Type fast single handedly by just gliding on the letters!

TouchPal for Android

評分 5.0 (2) · 免費 · Android Download TouchPal for Android, one of the most popular apps from the developer TouchPal, and for free. Find it in

TouchPal Keyboard for Android

評分 4.3 (49) · 免費 · Android TouchPal Keyboard is a keyboard for Android devices that allows you to use a series of shortcuts that enable you to type much more quickly.

TouchPal Keyboard

TouchPal Keyboard Solution: Flexible Business Model for smart phone keyboard and feature phone keyboard.

TouchPal Support

How do I change my TouchPal Keyboard layout? You can customize your keyboard layout by pressing on the “TouchPal icon” from the toolbar above your keyboard. We ...

[問題] oppo輸入法touchpal - 看板MobileComm

本來是用oppo R9S plus 很舊的機型他原本輸入法有oppo內建的Touchpal for oppo可選今天買oppo reno 6 pro不知為啥沒有這選項只有Gboard 用的很不習慣.


我發現是"TouchPal 鍵盤(OPPO 內建的鍵盤)"的問題,必須移除它. 但它是OPPO 內建的,不能透過一般的方式移除,所以只好"改用替代方案". 解決辦法 ...


WhatisTouchPalonAndroidphone?TouchPalKeyboardisthedefaultkeyboardonOPPOphonesandmanyotherAndroiddevices.,評分4.1(10,663)·免費·Android·TouchpalforoppoismultiplekeyboardswithanEnglishtoSpanishkeyboard.Ptouchpallkeyboardhasgradientthemesforbackground ...,WhatisTouchPalforOPPOPhonesandtheTouchPalThemes?TouchPalisafunctionwhereyoucanuseyourvoicetointeractwiththeTouchPalkeyboard!,TouchPalAndroidKeyb...