
Support for Archer C9 HW ver 5.0

2018年8月6日 — Hello! I have TP-Link Archer C9 HW ver 5.0. In openwrt there is no support for this HW revision, but there is support for HW ver 1.0

Techdata: TP

2023年3月6日 — Techdata: TP-Link Archer C9 v1. Devices with Broadcom WiFi chipsets have limited OpenWrt supportability (due to limited FLOSS driver ...

TP Link Archer C9 - DD

2023年6月9日 — Connect your PC to one of the LAN ports on your router with an ethernet cable. · Go to Advanced -> System Tools -> Firmware Upgrade · Under Local ...


2020年3月7日 — TP-Link Archer A9 AC1900 supported by OpenWrt ? As per the below post, Archer A9 is the best budget router to run OpenWrt in 2020. However ...


2024年2月12日 — Connect one of the LAN ports to a machine running a TFTP -server. The server machine needs to be configured with IP .

TP-Link Archer C9 - Unbrick and back to stock step-by

Connect the USB UART adapter to your computer, open the Putty connection and turn on the router while holding ctrl+c until CFE comes up. Check the IP of the ...

TP-Link Archer C9 AC1900

2017年4月28日 — Hi admins, I have now a TP-Link Archer C9 AC1900. I can't find the Wlan interface. The file /etc/config/wireless is not present.


2018年8月6日—Hello!IhaveTP-LinkArcherC9HWver5.0.InopenwrtthereisnosupportforthisHWrevision,butthereissupportforHWver1.0,2023年3月6日—Techdata:TP-LinkArcherC9v1.DeviceswithBroadcomWiFichipsetshavelimitedOpenWrtsupportability(duetolimitedFLOSSdriver ...,2023年6月9日—ConnectyourPCtooneoftheLANportsonyourrouterwithanethernetcable.·GotoAdvanced->SystemTools->FirmwareUpgrade·UnderLocal ...,202...