Hop by Hop



How to add port number in tracert command

On Linux systems; traeroute offers -p parameter where port can be specified. The URL I'm trying to hit only works on port 443 and hence beyong certain n/w hop.

How to use TCP Traceroute

A traceroute is gathered by sending a packet to a target host with a Time To Live increasing by 1 until the destination host is reached.

How to: Running a TCP Traceroute

A TCP traceroute run to a domain on a specific port should give a good idea as to where the traffic is being dropped.

trace a particular IP and port

Is there a way to traceroute a particular IP and port combination, to see where it is being blocked? Any linux tools / commands / utilities will be appreciated.

traceroute Command

The traceroute command attempts to trace the route an IP packet follows to an Internet host by launching UDP probe packets with a small maximum time-to-live ( ...

traceroute 指令

traceroute 指令. 用途. 列印IP 封包到網路主機的路徑。 語法. traceroute [ -hops 中繼站] [ -num ] [ -port 埠] [ -src 位址] 主機[ PacketSize ]. 說明.

如何使用TRACERT 疑難排解Windows 中的TCPIP 問題

本文說明命令列公用程式TRACERT (Trace Route),此公用程式可用來追蹤「網際網路 ... 搭配使用-d 選項與tracert 命令,可以指示TRACERT 不要對每個IP 位址執行DNS ...


traceroute 指令用於探索封包到達目的地時實際行經的路由。裝置(例如路由器或PC)將使用者資料包通訊協定(UDP) 資料包序列傳送到遠端主機上的無效連接埠 ...


如果我主管想要知道是那一個網路介面的3389port沒開呢? 請問你是說我先用tracert 看經過那些router?

